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It was three in the morning when Jisoo woke up from a nightmare "D-Daddy." Jisoo shook Seokmin as he tried to wake him up.

Seokmin stirred, and shift to look at Jisoo "Why are you up baby?" Seokmin asked, as he blinked to look more clearly.

"Baby what's wrong?" Seokmin asked as he noticed Jisoo crying "S-Shushu had n-nightmare."

Seokmin held Jisoo closer "Shh baby." Seokmin rubbed Jisoo's back.

"D-Daddy w-won't leave m-me r-right?" Jisoo asked "No baby I wouldn't leave you."

Seokmin wiped Jisoo's tears, and kissed his head "Let's go back to sleep baby." Jisoo nodded, and laid his head on Seokmin's chest.

After they had fallen asleep, time flew by and it was now six in the morning "Shua baby." Jisoo woke up, and looked around "Daddy." Seokmin smiled.

Jisoo sat up, and Seokmin helped him get changed.

Once Seokmin finished he picked up Jisoo "You need to brush your teeth baby." Jisoo nodded, and Seokmin sat him down on the toilet.

Jisoo rubbed his eyes, and looked around his surroundings "Daddy." Seokmin hummed "M' sleepy."

Seokmin chuckled "I know baby, you have school in an hour." Jisoo pouted, but stood up as he had to brush his teeth.

Once that was done, Seokmin looked at the time "Jihoon! Chan! I hope you're up." Seokmin called "We're up." Jihoon called from downstairs.

Jisoo then jumped onto Seokmin's back "Knowing how you jumped on me...I'm assuming big Josh?" Jisoo chuckled.


Seokmin then went downstairs, and smiled at his brothers "At least today is the last day for school before christmas break." Jisoo nodded.

"Hungry baby?" Seokmin asked "No." Seokmin nodded, and placed Jisoo on the couch "Okay, you guys ready?" They nodded, and grabbed their stuff.

Once they arrived at the school, the two Lee brothers got out of the car, while Jisoo stayed inside the car a bit "Be good okay?" Jisoo nodded, and looked at Seokmin.

"Kiss!" Seokmin chuckled, and pecked Jisoo's lips "Love you baby." Jisoo giggled "Shushu wuv daddy too!" Seokmin smiled, as Jisoo got out the car.

Once Jisoo entered the school, he immediately walked to his class, or he tried to.

Eun stopped him "Stupid." She told him.

Jisoo looked at her "I'm surprised Seokmin is still with you, but I bet he's just taking petty on you for being such a mental person." Eun smirked.

"He just feels so bad that he had to date you, and I bet you two never even had sex." Jisoo looked around, and tilted his head "Sex?"

Eun laughed a little "Of course you wouldn't know."

"I'm just saying he doesn't love you, if you didn't have sex." Eun walked away, and saw Jisoo's head go down.

Jisoo then walked to class "Is everything alright Shua?" Jisoo nodded, and sat on his desk.

Mrs Park sighed, and gave Jisoo his work for today.

A couple hours passed by, and it was lunch time "Do you want to eat in the cafeteria?" Jisoo shook his head.

"I'll be back okay?" Jisoo nodded, and colored his drawing, as he drew Eun came into the class, and smacked Jisoo on the head hard.

"Ah!" Jisoo whined looking up.

Eun then slapped him "I'm tired of people defending you, especially your whore friends." Jisoo started crying.

Once Jisoo looked up Eun smiled "Break up with him today, he doesn't love a little slut like you." Eun then left the classroom.

Mrs Park then came in, and immediately went to Jisoo "Who did this to you?" Jisoo shook his head, and cried.

"Want me to call Seokmin?" Jisoo nodded, and Mrs Park called him.

Seokmin then came, and took Jisoo from school "Baby what's wrong?" Jisoo shook his head "Baby you have to tell me." Jisoo whined, and hid his face from Seokmin.

Once they arrived at home Jisoo ran to the door, and unlocked it.

Seokmin sighed, and followed Jisoo.

"Jisoo you have to tell me what's wrong." Jisoo looked up from his hoodie, and Seokmin slightly gasped.

"N-No touch." Jisoo mumbled, but Seokmin ignored him "Baby who did this to you?" Jisoo didn't answer.

Seokmin sighed again "Baby you have to tell me." Jisoo shook his head.

"Baby please, daddy can't protect baby, if you don't tell me who did this." Jisoo looked at Seokmin in the eye.

Jisoo then started quivering "D-Dada w-wuv Shushu?" Seokmin wiped his tears "Baby of course I love you."

"E-Eun told S-Shushu d-dada n-no wuv S-Shushu i-if d-dada no h-have s-s-sex with S-Shushu." Seokmin raised a brow.

Jisoo then laid his head on Seokmin's shoulder "Baby, I love you so much, and I don't need to have that with you."

"Love isn't whatever she said, love comes from a person who likes someone so much they will do anything for them."

Jisoo hugged Seokmin "She hit me, Dada she said to break up with you." Seokmin hugged Jisoo back, but tighter.

"Baby don't listen to her." Jisoo nodded, and Seokmin picked him up.

"Dada." Seokmin hummed "Shushu stay forever with Dada." Seokmin smiled "And Dada stays with Shushu forever."

Jisoo yawned a little "Baby need nap?" Jisoo shook his head.

Seokmin chuckled and sat on the couch with Jisoo on his lap.

"Does baby want to watch a movie?" Jisoo nodded, and sucked on his thumb "Baby don't suck tour thumb." Jisoo whined.

Seokmin then played Disney+ and took Jisoo's hand away from his mouth.

"What movie baby?" Jisoo looked "Pwincess!" Seokmin chuckled.

"Bwave!" Seokmin played the movie.

A few hours passed by and Jihoon and Chan came home "Hey hyung." Chan smiled, before going to his room.

Seokmin smiled "Remember guys y'all are leaving today." They nodded, and went their rooms "Shua baby, want do you want to take a nap?" Jisoo nodded, and Seokmin took him to their room.

"Dada be with Shushu." Seokmin smiled, and laid with Jisoo.

Soon Jihoon and Chan took their luggage downstairs "Min! Soonyoung, Seungcheol, and Vernon are here." Seokmin carefully moved Jisoo, and went downstairs.

"Okay, be safe and Jihoon if you have sex with Soonyoung use protection." Jihoon looked back, and flipped off Seokmin.

"Fuck you." Jihoon called out before leaving the house with a flustered face "Chan be safe, and listen to them." Chan nodded, and left the house.

Seokmin closed the door, and went back to the room to get Jisoo in his pajamas and himself so they can sleep.


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