-Twenty Four-

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A couple of days have passed by and it was now December 25th; Christmas day. No one was as excited as Jisoo who giggled when Seokmin gave him kisses around his face. "Good morning baby," Seokmin said in a raspy voice, Jisoo smiled before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck.

"Morning dada." Jisoo giggled before being pulled up and sitting on Seokmin's lap. "You excited for today?" The taller asked placing his hands on Jisoo's waist. "Mhm!" The smaller smiled again holding onto a small plush that he received the day before.

"Let's go get some breakfast." Jisoo got up and waited for his boyfriend who was slowly getting off the bed and putting on his slippers. Once he was ready, the taller grabbed his boyfriend's hand and went to the kitchen to see all of the others already up. "Merry Christmas," Seungcheol said from where he was sitting.

Jisoo giggled before sitting down at the table and being served pancakes shaped like stars. "Thank chu!" He said before carefully pouring syrup with Seokmin's help. "Should we watch movies and wait to open presents or open them now?" Seokmin asked his friends as he made sure his boyfriend didn't make a mess out of himself.

"Let's wait to open presents," Jeonghan told him before stabbing his pancakes. "Damn what did the pancakes do to you?" Minghao asked looking at the blonde who shrugged. "Anyways, Shua what movie do you want to watch?" Jihoon asked secretly flipping off Jeonghan who stuck out his tongue.

Jisoo thought of it before blinking a little, "Frozen!" He said giggling when Jeonghan sighed. "Demon of a movie." The blonde mumbled before being hit by his boyfriend. "Don't say that," Seungcheol warned him before taking both of their plates. "My bad," Jeonghan said before standing up.

"I'll go get the movie set up while you guys do snacks or whatever." Everyone nodded as they started to do their own things.

Jisoo yawned as they had started watching toy story. "Tired baby?" Seokmin asked noticing his boyfriend rubbing his eyes. "N-No." Jisoo mumbled resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "It's so boring that nothing is open." Chan whined making the others agree.

"We can always just go into the pool." Seungcheol mentioned making the others. "You guys can go, I'll take Shua to take his nap." The others nodded as they went to change while Seokmin picked up Jisoo and brought him to their room. "Daddy.." Jisoo mumbled as his eyes closed, "I'm right here baby." Seokmin smiled as he laid beside his boyfriend after laying him down.

The smaller curled up to his boyfriend and started falling asleep as he listened to his boyfriend's heartbeat. Seokmin smiled as he played with his boyfriend's hair and slowly fell asleep too.

An hour had passed and Jisoo woken up to the others screaming in the game room. "Too loud." Jisoo mumbled making his boyfriend shuffle before sitting up. "Daddy!" Jisoo whined making the taller chuckle as he felt arms around his wrist.

"You don't want me to tell them to be quiet?" Jisoo shook his head as he sat up and crawled up to his boyfriend's lap. "I-It's Christmas." Seokmin smiled and hugged his boyfriend who hugged back. "You're too nice baby." The taller said giving him little kisses on his neck.

The little squealed as he felt ticklish around his neck. "T-Tickles!" Jisoo said as giggled managed to escape his boyfriend and run to the game room where the rest were. "Hey Shua!" The boys greeted him as he smiled and plopped himself near Jeonghan who was on his phone.

"Big or small Shua?" Jeonghan asked noticing his best friend. "Small." The older nodded as he then got up to grab a drink for the younger who squealed when Soonyoung managed to tickle his sides. "Be careful with him." Seokmin called out as he entered the room.

Soonyoung nodded and laughed when he was pushed back lightly. Jeonghan has came back and handed Jisoo juice box. "Tank' chu." The little said as he started drinking the juice and looked at what the others were playing.

"It's six thirty, should we open the gifts around seven?" Seungcheol asked as he put down his cup of hot chocolate. "Yeah." Seokmin said as he yawned softly and sat beside Jisoo who was entertained by Soonyoung's screams from losing again. "You suck!" Chan called out making the others laugh and agree.

The older stuck out his tongue before giving up and handing the game to Wonwoo who immediately won the first round against his own boyfriend.

After thirty minutes of playing in the game room, all the boys had went downstairs to where the christmas tree was and were ready to hand out presents. Jisoo was out of little space but nodded slightly as he looked at the amount of presents he had. "How am I going to put this on the plane?" He asked making the others laugh. "I bought another luggage just in case." Seokmin said as he handed out his siblings presents.

"Well then..." Jisoo said as he moved the presents to see everyone's faces. Once they were done handing out presents, the boys decided to let Chan open his as he was the youngest and because Jisoo wasn't in little space.

"Woah!" Chan said as he pulled out new shoes. "I've always wanted these!" He exclaimed and smiled as he hugged both Jihoon and Seokmin. "Soonyoung also helped out with the right picking." Chan nodded as he hugged the older who let an "oof" as Chan had jumped on him.

While everyone opened their presents, Jisoo looked at his. "Shua open your present." Jeonghan said as he was seating in Seungcheol's lap. The younger nodded before opening the first one he got (which was a big box) and was shocked when he saw what it was. "I haven't played one since freshman year, before Jia broke my old guitar." Jisoo said as he looked at the new guitar.

"I picked that one, since I can pick better instruments." Jihoon said empathizing the the word 'I' as he looked at his brother. Jisoo laughed before opening the next one which from Soonyoung and laughed when he saw the tiger plushy. "Hey, little Shua doesn't have it so I bought one for that little shit." Jisoo laughed again before thanking the tiger obsessed boy.

He then opened a present from the Jeongcheol couple and smiled. It was a picture of all three of them from freshman year, when Seungcheol was a sophomore and both Jisoo and Jeonghan were freshmen. "I know it's basic but I remembered you said your mom threw all your old photos out." Jisoo nodded and smiled again.

After opening a couple presents and thanking the others, he finally managed to get to the last one from his boyfriend. "I hope you cry." Jeonghan called out making the others laugh, Jisoo shook his head but smiled as he unwrapped the present. As he did, he slightly gasped as he saw pictures of him and Seokmin from the beginning to now.

"I made this a while ago, but I forgot to give it to you on our anniversary so why not now?" Jisoo giggled as he wiped a tear away from his eyes. "Knew it!" Jeonghan said again making Jisoo laugh, he then hugged his boyfriend and pushed Minghao who was filming him to save.

"Lemme have my blackmail." The boys laughed and had enjoyed the rest of their day by watching movies again.

One more chapter left-

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