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Warning this chapter with have some sexual harassment please skip if you don't like that. -Author Nim
~Jihoon and Chan~

Chan sighed as he tried to call Seokmin again "He's not answering." Chan told Jihoon, who groaned "I don't want to bother Soonyoung." Jihoon sighed, as he took out his and texted Soonyoung.


Yes baby?

Do you think you can pick me and Chan up?

Where's Min?

Idk, he hasn't answered any of mine or Chan's calls.

Okay baby I'll be there just stay where y'all are at.

We will be safe Soonie
Love you

I will baby
I love you too.

Jihoon smiled at the messages "Soonyoung will be here soon." Jihoon told Chan who nodded.

Jihoon tried called Seokmin once more, and once again he didn't answer "I'll just call mom." Jihoon said, and called her.

"Mom, why isn't Seokmin answering his calls?" Jihoon asks when Mrs Lee answered the call "He's what?" Jihoon asked "Oh okay, will you tell Min that Soonyoung is picking us up."

"Yeah okay love ya too." Jihoon ended the call "Min is at the hospital because Jia decided to push Jeonghan, and caused his head to bleed."

Chan was shocked, and looked at Jihoon "Joshua also managed to get out of little space, and his episode happened again."

Soon enough Soonyoung came, and stopped in front of them "Get in." Soonyoung told as he rolled the window and unlocked his car.

Jihoon and Chan got in "I'm sorry for bothering you." Jihoon apologize while Soonyoung smiled, and put his hand Jihoon's thigh.

"Baby you didn't bother me, plus I don't want y'all waiting here for so long." Soonyoung said, as he stopped at a red light "Are y'all hungry?" Soonyoung asked.

Jihoon shook his head, while Chan nodded "Well Hoonie, I don't think you ate all day, so you're gonna eat."

Jihoon sighed "Fine." Jihoon said, and looked outside the window.

Soonyoung then went to Chick-Fil-A, and looked at both Lee brothers "Okay before I order what's wrong?" Soonyoung asked.

"Jeonghan is in the hospital because of Jia." Jihoon blurted out "What?" Soonyoung asked in disbelief.

"Jia is just someone who wants our brother's attention, but Min has to put it on Jisoo because of his past."

Soonyoung nodded, and started driving again to go through the drive thru.

~Time Skip~

Jihoon saw his house around the corner as Soonyoung was driving. Soonyoung then parked in their driveway "Well we're here." Soonyoung told them, and Jihoon saw Chan getting out.

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