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Seokmin sighed in class, and was wondering what his cute boyfriend was doing in school, even though he is a little, he's put in a special class, so he can understand things more easier.

Seokmin looked around, and saw his friend Choi Seungcheol rolling his eyes as two girls were talking to him, by trying to flirt with him.

Seungcheol sighed, then got up, and went to Seokmin "I thought you told them you were dating someone?" Seokmin asked "I did, but they honestly don't believe it." Seungcheol told him.

Seokmin looked at Seungcheol's phone, and thought of something "Hey doesn't Jeonghan like to take pictures of you two when y'all kiss?" Seokmin wonder making Seungcheol nod.

"He always loved doing that. Why?" Seungcheol asked "Well I know he does it off your phone, so why don't you find the most recent one?" Seokmin suggested.

Seungcheol then thought about, and nodded "I will." Seungcheol told him, making Seokmin laugh.

~Pledis High School~

Joshua was in his special class when the bell rang "Okay Shua, it's lunch time." The teacher told him, making Joshua nodded "You want to wait for Hannie or do you want to go to lunch already?"

"Hannie!" Joshua told her, making the teacher chuckle.

Soon Jeonghan came in to the class, and looked at Joshua who was playing with his backpack straps "Shua, let's go." Jeonghan told him, making Joshua get up, and go to class with him.

Jeonghan grabbed his hand, and walked to the cafeteria with him "Hannie, where Hoonie and Channie?" Joshua asked.

"They'll be here soon." Jeonghan told him, as they entered, and sat at their regular table.

"I wan' Minne." Joshua pouted "You'll see him after school."

Jeonghan looked, and saw all his friends coming by, and then noticed how Jia just went straight to her friends instead of following her two brothers.

"Isn't Jia supposed to be with us?" Jeonghan asked, looking at the two Lee siblings "She doesn't care about him." Jihoon told him in a specific way so Joshua doesn't get hurt.

"Shua doesn't like Jia she's mean." Joshua told them making everyone look at him "What did she do?" Wonwoo asked "She hit Shua, and she make Shua do everything for her."

Jihoon and Chan looked at Joshua "What else did she do Shua?" Chan asked "She told guys to touch Shua." Joshua told him "Shua doesn't like that."

That made everyone start getting angry with Jia "Shua you need to tell Seokmin about this." Minghao told him "No!" Joshua exclaimed "Shua scawed that Daddy will get mad."

Jeonghan looked at everyone, and signaled them to get food "Shua sweetie, I know you're scared to tell Seokmin, but he needs to know."

Joshua shook his head "Jisoo," Jeonghan used his Korean "You need to tell him, you can't keep it in, Seokmin won't get mad." Joshua sighed.

"Fine." Joshua told him.

~Time Skip~

Soon school finished, and everyone was going home or waiting for someone.

Joshua walked out with his friends, and saw Seokmin there waiting with the others "I see daddy!" Joshua told them, making everyone smile at him.

They all went up there, and Joshua hugged Seokmin "Hey baby." Seokmin told him making Joshua giggle.

Jeonghan looked at his boyfriend, and saw two girls behind him "Who are they?" Seungcheol looked back, and groaned "They won't leave me alone."

Jeonghan rolled his eyes, and grabbed Seungcheol's hand, and looked at the girls "I don't know who you are, but you better leave my boyfriend alone." Jeonghan told them, making them roll their eyes.

"Yeah, right why would he go for a girl like you?" One of them asked. Jeonghan hated the fact they assumed his gender "I am not a girl, just because I look like one, doesn't mean that you have to assume."

They girls were shocked, and walked away quickly before getting even more embarrassed.

The guys tried not to laugh, but managed to hold it in.

Jihoon looked at his brother, than at his boyfriend who was staring back at him "Stop staring." Jihoon told Soonyoung who started laughing.

"Well we all should get going." Seokmin told everyone, and they nodded "Bye bye!" Joshua told them, making everyone smile at him.

~Lee's house~

They all entered the house, and greeted Mr and Mrs Lee, as the three brothers entered the kitchen to get something, Jia pushed Joshua to the wall.

The thump was loud enough for everyone to hear "What happened?" Mrs Lee asked coming out the kitchen seeing Joshua rubbing his forehead, and Jia trying not to laugh at him.

Seokmin came out, and saw his boyfriend "Baby what happened?" Seokmin asked going to Joshua "N-Nothing, Shua fell." Joshua lied, hugging Seokmin who picked him up by the thighs.

Jihoon looked at Joshua, then at Jia "Should we tell him?" Chan asked "Yeah we should." Jihoon said, and went Seokmin who was now on the couch.

"Min there's something you should know." Jihoon told him, making Seokmin look up "Jia hasn't been taking care of Joshua, and has been hitting him, making him do things, and made guys touch Joshua."

Seokmin looked at Joshua who ignored his look "Baby is this true?" Seokmin asked "Mhmm." Joshua started shaking "Shh it's okay baby I'm not mad."

Seokmin is mad, but not at his baby, it's mostly at his sister.

~Time Skip~

Joshua was sleeping when Seokmin entered his sisters room "What?" Jia asked as she saw his older brother "Why did you do all those things to my boyfriend?" Seokmin asked looking at her.

"Why should I be taking care of him? He's old enough to take care himself." Jia told him "Joshua is old enough to take care of himself, but he's a little, that needs to be take care of!"

Jia rolled her eyes "Why am I even taking care of him? Jihoon and Chan are there!" Jia exclaimed "Jihoon has practice everyday except today cause it was canceled, and I don't want to put pressure on Chan!"

Seokmin took a deep breath "I thought you would do this for me, while I was at university." Jia looked at her older brother.

"I was wrong, like all the time." Seokmin said as he walked to his room where Joshua was awake because of the yelling.

"Daddy?" Joshua asked "Shh baby go back to sleep." Seokmin said as he went near Joshua "Daddy, Shua tum tum hurt." Joshua told him.

Seokmin rubbed Joshua's stomach, and saw how sleepy Joshua was starting to get.


Jeonghan was doing his homework when Seungcheol came behind him "You need to eat." Seungcheol told him, while Jeonghan sighed.

"I have to finish my homework." Jeonghan tells him, as he tries to do it, but Seungcheol won't let him do it as he picked up Jeonghan over his shoulder.

"You can do that later, you need to eat first." Seungcheol told him, as he walked to the kitchen.

Jeonghan sighed, and Seungcheol put Jeonghan down "You haven't eaten since we came back." Seungcheol placed his hands on Jeonghan's waist "Tell me what's wrong, because I know it's not homework."

Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol, and sighed "I don't like how people keep assuming my gender, and I hate how those girls keep going to you."

Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan worriedly "Baby, I understand that you hate that, but I guess people keep doing it on accident, because you look beautiful." Seungcheol made Jeonghan blush.

Jeonghan then wrapped his arms around Seungcheol's neck, and smiled "Those girls don't understand what leave me alone is, but as long as they know who I'm dating, I'll be fine." Seungcheol pecked Jeonghan's lips.

For the rest of the night Jeonghan finished doing his homework, and went to sleep with Seungcheol.

My boyfriend is a little// Seoksoo AuWhere stories live. Discover now