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Once they got home Seokmin took Jisoo to their room "Can baby stay here while daddy talks to Jia?" Jisoo shook his head "Shushu wan' dada." Seokmin rubbed Jisoo's back.

"Okay, I'll bring Jia here okay?" Jisoo nodded, and Seokmin called Jia to his room.

Jisoo hugged Seokmin tightly "Do you want your paci baby?" Jisoo nodded, and Seokmin gave Jisoo his pacifier.

As Jia entered, Seokmin looked at her carefully "Please explain to me why you hate Jisoo?" Jia looked at him, and rolled his eyes.

"He's just so disgusting, being a mental child?" Jisoo turned away, making Seokmin angrier then he is right now.

Seokmin rubbed Jisoo's back "Jia, you don't fucking know what to Jisoo when he was younger." Jia looked at Jisoo who was turned away from things.

"First of all he's like this because he struggles being alone, he can't be by himself." Jisoo played with Seokmin's fingers ignoring everything around him.

Jia looked at Seokmin who was looking at her in the eyes "Second he was kicked out during his sophomore year." Jisoo looked up at Seokmin, and giggled.

"He was also touched inappropriately by a doctor, so how can you hate someone if you don't know their past?" Seokmin asked.

Jia looked down before looking back up "How does his problems have to deal with me?" Seokmin had enough.

Seokmin held in his anger even more to not scare Jisoo "Tomorrow me, Jisoo, Jihoon, and Chan will be moving out." Jia eyes widen.

"I can't let Jisoo be near you, and I can't have Jeonghan protect him because you completely made me lose my trust on you!"

Jia looked down.

"Everything you said and done to hurt Jisoo, does not only hurt him, but it hurts me knowing I can't trust my little sister." Seokmin took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"I can't have more of your bullshit near us, so I'm taking the other two, and mom and dad already agreed to this." Jia felt her eyes tear up.

Seokmin then moved Jisoo to the bed since he was falling asleep "You're also paying for Jeonghan's window." Jia looked at Seokmin.

"You broke it, you pay for it." Seokmin then went up to Jia "Until you learn how to control everything, don't contact me or any of us for now."

Seokmin then let her out of his room, and went downstairs to grab some boxes for his brothers.

When Seokmin got back he started grabbing stuff to pack.

Jisoo woke up to the noise of Seokmin moving stuff "Min?" Jisoo woke up out of little space.

"Shit sorry baby." Seokmin said as he packed more things "Are we moving tomorrow?" Jisoo asked as he looked at Seokmin.

Seokmin nodded, and went to their closet "I just can't deal with her anymore." Jisoo got up, and looked at the boxes "Hey babe can you do your playroom?"

Jisoo nodded, and grabbed some boxes, and walked to his playroom.

As Jisoo packed his toys he smiled finding the stuffed toy that Seokmin first gave him.


Jisoo held Seokmin's hand as they walked to the toy store "Daddy!" Seokmin looked at Jisoo who was giggling.

As they entered the store the lady up front smiled at them "Hey Shua and Min." Jisoo giggled as he ran to the stuffed toy section "You buying him something this time?" Seokmin nodded.

"He's been good everyday, so as soon as I earned more money I decided this time I can buy him something."

Jisoo came back to Seokmin "Daddy, I wan' deer!" Seokmin chuckled "You want the deer?" Jisoo nodded excitedly.

Seokmin followed Jisoo to the stuffed toy section, and found it cute when Jisoo would pout if couldn't find the toy.

Jisoo then grabbed the stuffed deer, and showed to Seokmin "Dis one!" Jisoo giggled making Seokmin.

"Anything else baby?" Jisoo looked around, and shook his head "No, dada need money, and Shushu found pewfect toy!" Seokmin pecked Jisoo's lips.

Seokmin went back up front "Is this all?" The lady asked, as she smiled when Jisoo nodded.

"This is all." Seokmin then paid, and they both left with Jisoo giggling about the toy.

[End of Flashback]

Jisoo had finished packing, and went back to Seokmin "I'm done." Seokmin nodded.

Seokmin then pulled Jisoo close to him "We leave tomorrow after me and you finish school." Jisoo chuckled, and nodded.

"Hey Min." Seokmin looked at Jisoo, and smiled when Jisoo gave him a kiss.

Seokmin pulled Jisoo to the bed, and laughed when Jisoo pushed him "You're too heavy on me." Seokmin laughed even more.

Jisoo pecked Seokmin's lips, and laid his head on his chest "You do realize Wonwoo said he wants to murder you right?" Jisoo asked making Seokmin confused.

"What did I do?" Seokmin asked.

Jisoo giggled, before playing with Seokmin's shirt "You still owe him money." Seokmin cursed.

Jisoo then started feeling small "Dada." Seokmin rubbed Jisoo's back "Did big Shua do a gweat job?" Seokmin chuckled.

"Big Shua did a wonderful job." Jisoo cheered, and started dozing off.

"Sleep well baby." Jisoo then fell asleep.


Filter chapter because why not, also because I can't ruin much of the next surprises of the chapter heh-

Anyways see ya next chapter-

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