-Twenty Two-

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The next day came by and all 13 boys were just thinking of where to go out to eat for breakfast. "Should we just go to Ihop?" Vernon asked Jisoo who shrugged.

"Seems like the best option." They nodded and told everyone where they're going to go. "Are going to be alright not having little Shua out?" Seokmin asked his boyfriend who smiled a little.

Jisoo nodded and smiled, "I'll be fine, and plus I'm not use to showing little Shua out without feeling judged." Seokmin nodded and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Soon they all the boys left the hotel and drove to Ihop in different cars. When they had made it to the restaurant Vernon and Joshua were the ones who went inside and talked to the worker.

"We have to wait twenty minutes." Vernon told them before sitting down a bench outside the restaurant.

Jisoo sat beside his boyfriend and laid his head on his shoulder. "I'm still tired, but not as tired as Jeonghan." The slight long hair boy looked at Jisoo, "Shut the hell up." Jeonghan mumbled making Jisoo laugh.

"I'm only tired because the time difference is killing me." Jisoo nodded in understanding about the time zone. Between California and Korea the time difference is about sixteen hours.

As they waited outside, they got called inside for their table and immediately went once they heard being called.

"Broke English skills time." Wonwoo mumbled making the others laugh a little.

After they paid and everything from the restaurant, the 13 boys decided to explore downtown of LA.

Jisoo giggled a little as he dragged Seokmin to a store, "Baby where are you dragging me?" Jisoo smiled as he looked at Seokmin.

"To buy better clothes for you." Seokmin laughed as he heard those words. Once they got into a store Jisoo looked around to see what could be Seokmin's style of clothing.

"I think you would like striped button ups." Jisoo said as walked closer to the button up shirts he saw. Seokmin looked at the shirts and nodded, "They look good." He said as looked around.

As they continued to look for clothes, Jisoo bit his lip a little as he felt going smaller. "Min." Jisoo called out getting his attention fast.

"Are you feeling smaller?" Jisoo nodded as he held his hands near his bag. "Let's pay for the stuff and go back to the hotel okay?" Jisoo nodded and took a deep breath.

When they reached up the cashier, Seokmin placed all of the clothes on the counter. "Is this all?" The lady asked in english making Seokmin slightly confused.

"Yes." Jisoo responded back, as he took out the amount of money he needed. "Sixty one dollars and fifty two cents." The lady said as she bagged up the clothes.

When Jisoo handed the money, the lady gave back the change along with the receipt. "Have a nice day." She told them as they took the bags and left the store.

When they got into the car, Jisoo played with his fingers as Seokmin drove to the hotel. "Cheol bought a rented house for the rest of the week." Jisoo nodded, "W-When do we go to the house?" Jisoo asked trying not to slip in the car.

"Tomorrow." Jisoo nodded again. When they reached the hotel, Seokmin decided to leave the shirts and take his boyfriend inside the hotel.

When they got into their room, Jisoo immediately went into little space. "How do you feel baby?" Seokmin asked moving a piece of Jisoo's hair.

"Fine." Jisoo mumbled as he laid his leaned forward to the touch. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Jisoo nodded as he giggled when Seokmin picked him up.

He then was placed on the bed, and attacked with kisses, "Ah daddy!" Jisoo giggled as Seokmin didn't stop.

"You know I love you correct?" Jisoo nodded as he held Seokmin's face with his hands. "Shua loves daddy too." Seokmin smiled as he saw his boyfriend smiling and giggling.

"Baby has a beautiful smile." Jisoo blushed and his his face making Seokmin chuckle.

Jisoo then yawned a little as Seokmin started playing with his hair, "Daddy making Shushu tired." Jisoo mumbled as he laid on Seokmin's shoulder.

"You need a nap baby." Jisoo nodded as he felt his close slowly. He yawned again before actually falling asleep.

Seokmin comfortably laid Jisoo properly, as he then packed anything that was messed up so that they didn't have to hassle tomorrow.

A couple hours had passed by and Jisoo woke up to Seokmin playing soft music on his phone. "Daddy?" Jisoo called out making Seokmin look at him.

"How did you sleep?" Seokmin asked as he played with his boyfriend's hair again. "Good." Jisoo mumbled as he rubbed his eye.

"Did Shua miss lunch?" Seokmin chuckled a little, "You did, but it's alright." Jisoo nodded and snuggled into Seokmin's chest.

He smiled as he was near the person he loved the most. "Daddy." Seokmin hummed as he placed his hand on Jisoo's waist.

"Shua still sleepy." Seokmin chuckled and shifted to a more comfortable spot on the bed. "Can't sleep for so long." Jisoo whined a little but slightly giggled as Seokmin gave him kisses around his face.

After officially being awake, Jisoo sat up. His shirt was getting loose around his neck which showed his collarbones. "Baby, Hannie is bringing you dinner okay?" Jisoo nodded and started finding the remote control.

When it was half past eight already, Jeonghan had came by with the food he promised to bring for Jisoo's dinner. "Eat it well okay?" Jisoo nodded and giggled when Jeonghan booped his nose.

"Thanks Han." Jeonghan smiled before leaving the room. Seokmin chuckled as he saw Jisoo look at him with a small pout. "Daddy eat with Shua!" He said as he pulled his hand.

Seokmin sat on the chair where the table was. Jisoo then sat on his lap and giggled when Seokmin wrapped his arms around Jisoo's waist.

As they started eating the food, Seokmin smiled when Jisoo would eat his food with his cheeks stuffed up. "Drink something okay?" Jisoo nodded and took the strawberry soda that was sitting there.

"Daddy open please." Seokmin chuckled and took the soda before opening it for his boyfriend. When Jisoo took a drink out of the soda, he slightly burped.

"Excuse me." Jisoo politely said as he giggled, "Good manners baby." Seokmin said and gave a small massage on his boyfriend's hips. "Mhm."

The night went on for the couple and that had a good time spending it together. Another day was spent the best for Jisoo.

My boyfriend is a little// Seoksoo AuWhere stories live. Discover now