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When school started Jisoo looked at his teacher "Jisoo I have to be in a meeting." Jisoo pouted at Mrs Park's words.

Mrs Park chuckled "You'll be with one of your friends, okay?" Jisoo nodded, and looked at his folder of work.

"Can Shushu be wit' Hannie?" Mrs Park nodded, and then gathered her things before looking at Jisoo.

Jisoo then follows Mrs Park to Jeonghan's classroom.

Mrs Park knocked on the door, and talked to the teacher about what was going on.

"Jisoo go sit next to Jeonghan." Jisoo followed, and then saw Jeonghan, and sat next to him.

Jeonghan was writing down his notes when he looked over, and saw Jisoo "Oh hey Shua." Jisoo smiled.

Jisoo then looked at Jeonghan's notes "Many letters." Jisoo giggled quietly making Jeonghan chuckle.

Soon as class was going Jisoo was not making any sound to not make the teacher mad, when someone threw something at Jisoo.

Jisoo looked back, and then on the floor before seeing a paper crumbled up into a ball.

Jisoo picked up the paper, and opened it to see what it had said.

Why is a freak like you here? Go back to your class you dumb mental bitch.

Jisoo sighed, and raised his hand "Yes Jisoo?" The teacher asked "May I go to the restroom?" Jisoo asked politely.

The teacher nodded, and Jisoo went to the bathroom by himself without going with Jeonghan or any of his friends.

As Jisoo walked to the restroom he wiped his tears.

Jisoo pulled out his phone, and smiled lightly seeing the picture of him and Seokmin together.

Once Jisoo walked to the bathroom, he heard people talking about something.

"Bro did you know Jia's older brother is pissed off at her?" Someone said, and Jisoo kept listening.

"It's because Jia kept trying to do something to Jisoo." Another said laughing a little.

Jisoo rolled his eyes "The mental kid? How the hell is he passing this school?" Jisoo had enough, and opened the door.

The boys there jumped a little when Jisoo slammed the door open "Keep your damn mouth shut, if you don't fucking like me then you don't say anything, and ignore me." Jisoo told them.

"Wow you're not mental today are you?" Jisoo grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt "Say. It. Again." Jisoo told him making the other eyes widen.

"You're almost eighteen Jisoo, shouldn't you act like an adult?" This is what pissed off Jisoo even more, the fact that people say this to him when they don't know anything else.

Jisoo then punched the guy in the face "You don't fucking know my life!" Jisoo told him, before getting into a fight with dude.

The commotion with the fight alerted a teacher, and managed to stop them "What is going on with you guys?" The teacher asked.

"Jisoo punched first." The guy said making the teacher look at Jisoo.

"Shua you don't punch people." Jisoo looked away "They were making fun of me for being a little." Jisoo told them, and the boys looked at Jisoo.

"Office you two." They both walked to the office, and waited until someone arrived.

Seokmin arrived a couple minutes later, after hearing about his baby getting into a fight.

"Now Seokmin since you're Jisoo's legal guardian, you have to know he has to face the consequences." Seokmin nodded understanding what the principal meant.

Jisoo looked away from Seokmin, and looked at the boy who he fought "Now Jisoo please explain what happened." The principal said.

"I was walking to the restroom when that dude talked about Jia and Seokmin, and then they started talking about me, and I'm mental." Jisoo said, and played with his fingers.

Seokmin looked at the guy, and remembered who he was "And Hayeon is that true?" The principal asked, and Hayeon shook his head.

"We only said something as a joke, and he took it too far." Jisoo looked up, and stared at the guy.

Jisoo laughed mockingly "Oh so is you're saying you're almost eighteen, shouldn't you act like an adult sounds like a joke to you?" Jisoo asked having enough of peoples bullshit.

Seokmin noticed something in Jisoo's hand "What's that?" Seokmin asked him, and Jisoo showed him.

Seokmin read what the paper said, and looked at Hayeon "Did your friend make this note?" Seokmin asked him, and Hayeon didn't answer.

"Ah yes the famous school bully huh?" Seokmin chuckled, and looked at Hayeon's mother "You're son has been doing this ever since he entered high school."

Hayeon looked at Seokmin "Mr Kang, Jisoo has the right to stand up to himself just not start fights." The principal nodded.

"But Hayeon has been doing this for four years now, and all his victims couldn't say anything, because of the way he threatens them." Hayeon snarled.

Seokmin looked at Hayeon "You and your friends don't talk about my boyfriend at all, or you're going to face consequences, like my sister is." Hayeon gulped at Seokmin glare, and nodded.

Seokmin decided to take Jisoo out of class, along with Chan and Jihoon.

"I hope you two have already packed your shit." Seokmin told them, and they nodded.

Jihoon looked at Jisoo who was looking at his fingers "Min can you drop me and Chan at the café real quick we're thirsty." Jihoon lied, and Chan caught on.

Seokmin drove them to the café, and both Chan and Jihoon got out the car to grab something.

Jisoo sighed "Baby." Jisoo looked at Seokmin "Why did you let anger take over you?" Jisoo shrugged "People talk shit about me, and my anger let out."

Seokmin held Jisoo's hand "Babe, I know you have the right to protect yourself, but fighting isn't the answer, you're suspended for a week." Jisoo held in his tears.

Seokmin moved his hand, and wiped Jisoo's tear "Don't cry baby." Jisoo leaned into Seokmin's warmth.

After a few minutes, Seokmin drove everyone back home, and decided to started putting the boxes in the car with the help of his dad.

Mrs Lee looked at Jisoo, and cleaned up his cuts on his face "Next time a fight starts don't start it." Jisoo laughed a little.

"Hey don't let anyone like that boy ruin anything from you okay?" Jisoo nodded "Um did you ever find what my medication prescription is?" Jisoo asked.

Mrs Lee shook her head "Maybe Seokmin knows it." Jisoo nodded, and got up.

Jisoo then walked to Seokmin who was finishing up since Mr Lee was also taking up his car for their stuff.

"Hey baby did you need something?" Seokmin asked pulling him into a hug "Do you know my prescription for my medication?" Seokmin thought, and nodded.

"I have the prescription in the car, do you need new medicine?" Jisoo nodded.

Seokmin thought for a second "Okay, We'll get it on the way to the house." Jisoo nodded again, and pecked Seokmin's lips.


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