Key - The Prince and The Pauper (Cute, sweet)

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A/N - This was inspired by the amazingly cheesy drama, "Boys Over Flowers."


"Honey, you have to hurry up or else you'll be late!" your mom calls from downstairs. You let out a quick and frustrated sigh, glancing out your bedroom door. You straighten out your uniform once more, looking into the stand up mirror against your wall, and rub your face in despair.

Today you are starting your first day at a private school called Shinhwa High. You didn't even want to go, and didn't mean to get in the first place, but your parents had convinced you to.

"Guess this will have to do," you say to yourself, letting out a gust of air. You grab your backpack and then jog down the stairs.


"Alright, now you have my number in your phone, right?" your mom asks, leaning back to look at you as you sit in the backseat.

"Yes, mom," you say, rolling your eyes. "God, I don't even know how to use this phone yet," you say, holding it up in the air and waving it at her.

"I know, but it's what all the rich kids have, honey, so use it," she says. "It'll make you seem richer than you actually are."

"Is that all you care about?" you ask. "Our social status?"

"Oh, look we're here!" she claps in excitement as the car pulls up to the front of the school before stopping. Again, you roll your eyes in response and look out the window just as the car stops. "Omo...this is such a beautiful school! Aren't you excited?"

"Sure, I am, mom," you lie. "Sure, I am."


As you walk through the crowded halls of the school, you realize that everyone's eyes are on you, watching you intently. You let out a brief sigh and just try to keep your head down as you quicken your walking pace.

"Yah, watch where you're going," you hear a male voice say just as you feel your body collide with someone else's. You look up to see a guy standing there, his hair decorated a brown color.

"O-Oh..." you stutter snapping out of the trance you are in. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."

"Clearly," he said. You just kind of look down, pushing a string of hair behind your ear. "What are you anyway? A new student or something?"

"Y-Yeah, today is my first day," you speak in a soft and timid voice.

"Well, welcome," he said, clearly being sarcastic. "I'm Key, just so you know not to run into me anymore. Cause if you do, let's just say you won't exactly be enjoying your stay here." You just kind of look at him and his serious expression. "Now move...before I make you," he said, getting slightly closer to you before brushing past you.

"Hey, don't sweat him," another voice, this time more comforting, says. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Lee Taemin," he said with a smile, holding his hand out.

"I'm (your name here)," you reply, shaking his hand.

"Don't worry about him," he said, referring to Key. "He's really a caring person deep down inside. He just comes off as a..."

"Douche? Conceited, rich jerk?" you finish for him. He looks at you, a smile beginning to make its way across his lips.

"Yeah, that," he said, causing both of you to laugh. "Hey, do you wanna maybe go to lunch with me? I was just going to meet some friends."

"Uh...sure," you say. "That sounds nice."

"Good," he says with a smile. "Come on, follow me."


"Guys, this is (your name here)," Taemin says as he approaches a table of a couple guys. "This is Lay and Kai."

"Hey," Kai says.

"Hi," Lay waves. You just smile a friendly smile in response instead of speaking.

"Here sit down," Taemin says, patting a spot next to him once he sits down. You smile faintly and then take a seat next to him, your heart racing at the speed of light.


Weeks pass by and you are really starting to get used to being at Shinhwa High: mostly because of Taemin. He is always the first person to greet when you come in and the last person to make sure you get home safely. You think you are starting to fall for him, but you don't want to ruin the way things are right now because you like it.

One day when you are on your way to lunch, your phone lights up with a text message from Taemin. You begin to smile as you unlock your phone and read the message.

From: Minnie

Hey, I just wanted to let you know I will be a little late to lunch today. I have some club stuff to deal with. But I shouldn't take long. Save me a seat!

Sent: 12:38 pm

To: Minnie

Okay, I will!

Sent: 12:39 pm

You stuff your phone in your pocket and start walking again. However, you are suddenly jerked to the side by a wrist that has suddenly found its way around your wrist. You try to speak but the culprit just hushes you and continues dragging you until you are both outside.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" you ask in rage upon being released.

"I should ask you the same question," Key says, making you confused.

"What? What are you even talking about?" you say.

"Why have you been spending so much time with Taemin lately?" he asks.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I do, now just answer me."

"If you must know," you start, elongating your voice, "it's because he is a nice person. He's sweet and kind and makes me feel comfortable here. You, nor anyone else here, does so that is why I spend time with him."

"That's a bunch of bull," he says, chuckling a little and shaking his head. "You can't like him."

"And who said?" you retaliate. "You?"

"Yeah, me," he replies.

"Oh and what gives you the right to say who I can and cannot like?"

"This," he says briefly before smashing his lips against yours. You immediately try to push him back with your hands, but he just grabs a hold of them and pins them against the brick wall. He continues to kiss you, so eventually you are forced to kiss him back, but not in joy or willingly.

He breaks the kiss after awhile and you see that his face has become calmer. Like someone has just scolded him or he just realized he committed some terrible crime and feels guilty.

"You can't like him because I like you," he says, his face not far from yours. "I like you, (your name here)." You just sort of stare at him in shock, not able to process his words. He looks at your baffled and lost face for a few seconds before kissing you again, this time more gently.

The other difference between this kiss and the last kiss is you start to kiss back...because you want to.

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