Minho - You're Welcome (Cute)

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You are having a late night at your office job as a secretary. Everyone has already left and you are still typing away at your desk. You rubbed your hands over your face, letting out a gust of air. As you proceed to work, your boss comes up and stands next to your desk.

"You're still here?" Minho asks, causing you to look up. Your heart skips a beat because you weren't expecting to see him here at this hour.

"Oh y-yeah," you reply, still trying to slow down your heart beat. "I still had a couple reports to finalize." You turn back to the screen as he nods his head silently. "Was there something you needed?"

"Well, yeah, but it can wait. You should go home after you're finished," he says.

"No, it's fine. I might as well do it now. One less thing to worry about," you say in response.

"Are you sure it won't be too much?" You just smile kindly and shake your head. "Well, alright then, uh, I just needed you to fax these over to the bank. They are still open, so it shouldn't take more than five minutes I'd say."

"Okay, will do," you say as you remove the papers from his hand.

"I'll be in my office wrapping up so just come let me know when you're done with it," he said. You nod, giving him another smile, and he walks away. You take a deep breath and finish typing at a faster speed than before. Once finished, you shut down the computer and head to the printer room, where the fax machine is located. It does indeed take five minutes for you to fax the small pile of papers. With that, you go back to your cubical and back up your things. On the way towards the exit, you stop at Minho's office.

"Hey, I finished faxing those statements over, so they should be there by tomorrow morning," you say as you walk in a bit more. He turns around and smiles at the sound of your voice.

"Oh okay," he says as he puts his jacket on. "Thanks so much for doing that for me." You simply smile in response as he walks closer to you, causing your cheeks to blush a light shade of red. Out of nowhere, he puts one of his hands on your face and lays an unexpected kiss on your lips. Your eyes widen at this sudden action and you begin to blink as you stay connected for a few more seconds. He chuckles a little once he pulls back. You look around in confusion as he pats your shoulder and heads towards the door. "See you tomorrow," he says casually. You face his walking direction as he disappears down the corridor. 

"You're welcome..." you say, not talking to anyone. You chuckle a little yourself and then follow his footsteps.

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