Onew - Coffee Shop Friendliness (Cute)

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You are sitting alone in a coffee shop. You are just texting a friend when someone sits across from you. Curious to see who it is, you look up only to see some random guy sitting there with a dorky yet oddly cute smile on his face. You squint your eyes, not sure what to think or say. Thankfully, you don't have to search for words for long, as he says something first. "Hi, my name is Onew. What's your name?" he asks sounding rather friendly. 

"I'm (your name)," you answer quietly, still not knowing quite what to think about this whole situation. "If you don't mind me asking, why exactly did you sit with me?" you finally ask.

"Because I don't like to see people sitting alone," he replies instantly. At that, a slight smile grows on your face. Then, the both of you sit and continue to talk like old friends who haven't seen each other in years. Before you know it, half an hour has passed. 

"Wow, I can't believe we talked for that long," you say looking at the time on your phone. He laughs a little at that.

"Well you know what they say, time flies when you're having fun," he says resting his head in his hands and elbows on the table. You feel yourself beginning to blush, so you look down briefly. "Hey look, if you don't mind, I'd really like to see you again sometime in the very near future," he says lifting up his head. You look up, kind of surprised yet happy to hear that.

"Yeah, me too," you say with a big smile spread out on your face. He nods, also smiling, and pulls out his phone.

"Why don't you give me your phone number and I'll just text you next time I'm free," he offers. You nod and turn your phone on quickly. You exchange numbers and then he stuffs his phone back in his pocket, still smiling. "Well I guess we'll be in touch then?" he says as he gets up from the seat. You nod, your cheeks flushed a bright red. He smiles and leaves the coffee shop. You lay your head in your recently folded arms, still trying to figure out if that just really happened. Then you hear your phone buzz from the table top. You see you have a new text message and read it.


Meet me at the same spot tomorrow at ten? 

You smile in excitement and quickly reply.


Sure, can't wait.

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