Key - Shopping Confession (Cute, romantic)

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You are sitting near the entrance of the mall waiting for your best friend, Key, to arrive. You check the time on your phone and see that he is already half an hour late. "Typical Key...." you say laughing a little to yourself. Then you see him casually walking towards you like he was totally unaware that he was late.

"Annyeong!" he says waving. You stand up and look at him with your head tilted and hand on your hip. "What did I do?" he asks.

"Is it possible for you to not be late?" you say. He checks the time.

"Oh well, I'm not late, you're just early," he says as he walks in the mall. You stand there, shocked for a minute then follow him.

"Ya!" you yell after him. "Wait up!" He continues walking forcing you to run to catch up to him. You finally do and he looks at you. You shake your head and shove him. He laughs.

"You know I only tease you because I love you," he says as he puts his arm around you. You make a pouty face and he laughs again as he removes his arm. You walk around the mall and stop in a few different stores along the way. You pass a store that has a really pretty dress in the display window that catches your eye.

"It's so pretty," you say putting both your hands on the window. "Don't you think it's pretty Key?" He stops and walks back to where you are. He examines it up and down.

"I guess so. Could be better though," he says. You glare at him totally rejecting his opinion, which is probably more professional than yours. He laughs and pulls you along. "Come on, I'm hungry." You go to the food court for lunch then hang around the mall for awhile longer. You guys walk back outside and prepare to part ways. "I'll see you later," he says hugging you.

"Annyeong," you say heading back to your car. Your mom texts you telling you to run to the store for her on your way home. You groan, but agree. Of course, the traffic is bad on the way back from the store so you don't get home until late. "Here's the stuff you asked for mom," you say when get inside.

"Thank you," she says before giving you a hug. You hug her back and then go upstairs. You open your bedroom door and throw your keys on your desk. You are taking off your coat when you see a box on your bed. You look at in confusion before picking it up and examining it. You remove the tape from the sides and take the lid off to see the dress you saw at the mall. You smile in bewilderment and then notice a card taped to the inside of the lid. It reads:

I had a feeling that this would look better on you for our date tonight than in a display window. -Key

You smile and pull the dress out of the box. You hold it up to yourself and look in the mirror. It was a cheesey way of asking someone out, but you preferred it that way than any other way. Smiling from ear to ear you say, "Araso, Key."

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