Taemin - A Proposal (Cute, romantic)

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"Oppa," you whine as Taemin continues to drag you along the gravel path way of the outdoor park. "Why won't you tell me where you are taking me?"

"Because then it would ruin the surprise," he says with a light smile, glancing back at you for a second.

"But I don't like surprises. You know I don't like surprises," you protest.

"Oh, I know, but you'll love this one," he says, turning to you once more. "Trust me." You let out a sigh in defeat and continue to let him lead you to wherever it is he is taking you.

You finally reach a point where he stops walking and frees your wrist from his grasp.

"What is this place?" you ask, looking around at all the darkness that surrounds you.

"You'll see, just wait here, okay? I'll be right back," he says and then runs off somewhere.

"But, oppa-" you start to say, but stop when you realize he won't hear you. You pout and adjust your coat so it is covering you more, a cold breeze hitting you from behind.

About a minute later, lights turn on abruptly, causing you to flinch before you start to look around. Strings of white Christmas lights hang from the light poles embedded in the ground, their light reflecting off into the now running water of the fountain. Taemin appears as you finish your complete circle around, smiling brightly at you.

"So?" he asks, lifting his hands in the air temporarily. "What do you think? Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it, I love it," you say. "But, why? I mean, why would you do all this? Today isn't a special day or anything."

"It may not have been up until now," he says, walking closer to you and dropping down to the ground with one knee touching it, "but it's about to be." You just stare at him, feeling confused and nervous at the same time.

"(Your name here), I've known you since middle school, and I've liked you ever since we were freshmen in high school. You're so perfect and smart and beautiful, and I think that I must be the luckiest man in the world to be able to call you my girlfriend. But, I want to be more than that and I want you to be more than just my girlfriend."

He pauses for a moment to take a small box out of his inside coat pocket. He opens the lid up and shows you the sparkling ring that rests inside.

"So, will you marry me and become my wife?" he finally asks. You stare it and him for a silent moment, just trying to take in everything he's said.

"Yes," you say silently at first. "I would love to do that." He smiles widely, showing off his pearly white teeth and takes the ring out of the box before slipping it on your ring finger.

"I love you," he says, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I love you, too," you reply just before your lips join in a sweet kiss.

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