Jonghyun - Anniversary Surprise (Romantic)

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You wake up to the sound of birds chirping in the morning. You sit up and yawn as you rub your eyes open. You sigh and remember that today is a special day. It is the 8 month anniversary of you and your boyfriend Jonghyun. You get up, make your bed, and eat breakfast waiting to hear something from him. A text or a call or something to say happy anniversary. But nothing. "It's still early, maybe he is still sleeping," you say to yourself optimistically. So, you get ready to go to work then leave. You come back home afterwards still with no word from him. You sigh angrily thinking he forgot as you plop on the couch. "He would do that...jerk," you say crossing your arms. Hours and hours go by with still nothing. Now angry, you hear your phone ring and pick it up. "Oh now he texts me," you say as you read it.


Check your door step.




Just do it.

"Why should I listen to him? He forgot our anniversary," you say. But you do anyway. You open the door and see an envelope sitting there peacefully on your door step. You squint in confusion and pick it up. As you shut the door, you open it and see inside is a ticket for a ship that goes up the river you live near and back. The ticket says it leaves in half an hour at the port. You debate whether or not you should go thinking it is some sort of scam. But again, you do. After you have gotten all dressed up in one of your best dresses and high heels, you drive to the port. You get there just in time and park your car where all the others are. You show the guy your ticket when you get on and he smiles.

"Follow me," he says. You look at him puzzled, but do as he says. He takes you to the top level of the ship where there is a table with a white cloth over it holding two candles and bouquet of roses in a vase. "Here you are," he says before beginning to walk away.

"Wait, I think your mistaken," you say but he doesn't hear you. You sigh and look around in complete and utter confusion. There are white Christmas lights hanging on the deck that twinkle. Another minute passes when you decide to walk over and look at the ocean. You put your hands on the railings and peer out into the vast river.

"I thought you were afraid of heights?" you hear a voice say. It scares you a little and you turn around. There you see Jonghyun with his hands in his pockets and smiling. He was wearing a tuxedo and was playing with what looked a small gift box in his pocket.

"Jonghyun? What are you doing here? More importantly, what am I doing here?" you say as you walk closer to him.

"Did you really think I'd forget our 8 month anniversary?" he says. You look down now feeling embarassed. He laughs and takes his hands out of his pockets to hug you. You hug him back, thankful that you were wrong. "Let's go sit." You follow him and pulls out the chair for you to sit. Then a random waitor appears out of nowhere and brings you food and champagne. You guys eat and then he pulls out the small box he was playing with earlier and puts it on the table.

"What's this?" you ask smiling.

"Just a little something for our anniversary. Open it," he says resting his chin on his fists. You smile and open it. Inside is a sparkling diamond necklace. You start to get teary eyed as you look back up at him.

"'s gorgeous," you say. He smiles.

"Here let me put it on you," he says as he gets up. You stand up too and he takes it out of the box. He puts it around your neck and fastens it. You put your fingers on it and smile happily. You turn around and meet your eyes with his.

"Komawo, I love it," you say.

"Happy anniversary. Saranghae," he says looking you right in your eyes.

"Saranghae," you reply. He puts his hands on the small of your back and pulls you closer to him. Putting your arms around his neck, he kisses you. You kiss him back and hug him once you break the kiss. Then you spend the rest of your anniversary night together happily.

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