Onew - 100 Days (Romantic)

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You are at home reading when your cell phone begins to ring. You pick it up and see that it is your boyfriend Onew calling. You two have recently just started dating, in fact today was your 100th day anniversary. You smile and press the talk button then you hear his voice come on. "Annyeong!" he says in his usual cheerful voice. "How has your day been so far?"

"Pretty boring," you say letting out a silent sigh as you close your book and set it on the table near by. "But better now that I hear your voice." He chuckles and so do you.

"As much as that makes me happy, I think I have something that will make you feel even better," he says.

"What would that be?" you ask as you stand up.

"It's a surrprise," he replies. You face palm because he knows how much you hate surprises.

"Araso, where exactly can I find this surprise?" you say.

"At the beach, waiting patiently for you," he says. You blush and smile widely before hanging up with him. You examine what you are currently wearing and decide that you won't bother changing. Since you don't live to far from the beach, you just walk there and you see Onew sitting on one of the large rocks swinging his legs back and forth. You laugh at the sight of this and walk closer to him when he finally notices you and stands up.

"Is this one of those times where the guy says he has a surprise and it ends up being him?" you ask as you approach him. He laughs out loud and leaves the smile on his face afterwards.

"Kind of, I'm only part of the surprise," he says tilting his head to the side a little.

"Where is the other part?" you ask with a hopeful grin on your face.

"You'll get it later," he says. You groan impatiently and tilt your head back.

"Why do you do this to me when you know I hate surprises?"

"Uh because I know you hate surprises," he says. You laugh and he pulls you in for a hug. The hug lasts for a few seconds before he pulls back and kisses your lips softly. "Let's go for a walk," he says after breaking it. You smile and nod slightly. He grabs a hold of your hand and you hold it back as he begins walking. There is a beautiful silence in the air as both of you walk by the ocean. Only the sound of crashing waves fills the atmosphere. After a while, he stops walking and turns to face you. Without letting go of your hand, he looks down at his pocket as he pulls something out of it. That something looks small to you, but you can't make out exactly what it is until he pulls it out completely and swiftly slips it on the ring finger of your free hand. You raise it up slightly to look it at more closely. It resembles what a wedding band might look like and has Saranghae engraved in it. You look back up at him, tears of joy slowly forming in your eyes. "Happy 100th day anniversary," he says wearing his addictingly dorky smile. Instead of responding with words, you hug him tightly. You break the hug and kiss him.

"Happy 100th day anniversary," you say. He smiles and then sighs as he looks at the ocean.

"I'm hungry," he says turning his attention back to you. "Let's go get chicken." You laugh and nod. Your hands intertwine again and then you back.

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