Onew - Carnival Date (Cute, romantic)

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You wake up in the morning on beautiful spring day. You rub your eyes in an effort to wake up before getting up and stretching. You pick up your phone and check it like you usually do in the morning. After you type in your password, you see that you have a text from your long time boyfriend Onew.


Good morning, beautiful! I hope you slept well last night and had sweet dreams! I want to take you out to the carnival today, so be ready by 11:00 and I'll meet you there! Saranghae <3

You smile and blush as you read it. You fall back on your bed in complete and total happiness. Then you look at the time on your phone and see it's 10:00 already.

"I better get ready so I won't be late," you say to your dog who is laying in his bed on your bedroom floor. You get up and go to your closet. You open the door and study all the clothes you have. "What to wear..." you say as you move your hands through all the shirts, pants, and dresses. You decide you want to wear a sundress and pick out a few. You hold them up to yourself in the mirror then turn back to your dog who is now sitting staring at you. "This?" you ask. He just continues to stare. You shake your head and do the same thing for two more and get the same response. Finally, you find a light sky blue colored one with little daisies on it and turn back to him. "How about this one?" He barks and wags his tail. "That's what I was thinking too," you say as you smile. You pick out some earrings and a necklace to go with it. You change quickly then jump in your car and head to the carnival. When you pull up, you see Onew sitting on a bench with a single white daisy in his lap. You smile and put the car in park before getting out. As you walk closer to him, he notices you and smiles widely. He gets up and walks to you.

"Annyeong!" he says. "You look gorgeous, as usual!" He gives you the flower and you smell it.

"Komawo, oppa, it's beautiful," you say. He hugs you as he picks you up and spins you around in a circle. He puts you down and kisses you gently. Then he puts his arm around you and you guys walk into the carnival. You play a few games and he wins a teddy bear at one of them. Afterwards, you get cotton candy and share it before riding the ferris wheel. About an hour or two passes, then he walks you back to your car. He opens the driver side door for you and you put your teddy bear and flower in the passenger seat. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," he says before giving you one last kiss. You drive home and put the flower in a vase and set it on the counter in the kitchen. You change back into your pajamas when bed time comes around. You hear your phone go off and see a text from Onew. 


I had a great time with you today! Sweet dreams! Saranghae <3


Me too! Saranghae oppa! Sleep well!

You lay down and snuggle close to the teddy bear he won you. Then you fall asleep, excited to see him again tomorrow.

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