Taemin - A Picnic Date (Cute)

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You are rushing around trying to finish getting ready for your first date with Taemin. He had asked you out last week in school and since then you couldn't wait. You here a knock on the door and figure it must be him. You open the door and sure enough it is him and is standing there wearing that addicting smile and holding a picnic basket. "You ready for a picnic in the park?" he asks.

"Ne, just let me put on some make up first," you say about to go upstairs. He pulls you back by your wrist and you turn around surprised.

"Aniya, you look better without it," he says. You blush and look down shyly.

"Araso. I guess I'm ready then," you say after you look back up.

"Good let's go," he says bending his free arm. You smile and take hold of it. He leads you to a shady spot under a large tree. He sets the basket down and pulls a blanket out of it. You help him spread it out on the ground and take out the food. Both of you eat and he makes you laugh the whole time. After you finish eating, you just sit there and talk about each other's lives. Two hours pass by blissfully before you start to get ready to leave. After you have packed up the basket, he takes hold of your hand. You hold his hand back and you walk back to your house. You both walk slowly in an effort to make this perfect date last longer. Once you reach your house, both of you stop in front of the front door.

"I must say, I never though I'd have so much fun on a picnic," you say. He laughs.

"Well, I'm glad we both had fun," he says smiling. You don't know if you should you kiss him or if you should wait for him to kiss you or if there will be a kiss at all. He puts the basket done on the ground and walks upto you. You're so nervous that you become paralyzed. You close your eyes and in the next second you feel his lips on yours. Unconsciously, you kiss him back and then he breaks the kiss. "I guess I'll see you at school then," he says after picking up the basket. You nod and he walks away. You go inside and then shut the door again. You fall face first on the couch and scream in happiness.

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