Taemin - One Late Dance Practice (Cute)

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You are walking back home from a late night dance practice when you realize you left your phone sitting on the bench near the locker room entrance. You turn around and pick up your pace so you can still get home at a reasonable time. You walk in and begin looking around for it frantically.

"Hey, (your name here). What are you doing back here?" one of the other students, Taemin, asks. You jump a little, not realizing he was here before.

"Oh, I just left my phone here and came back to get it," you say, slightly blushing in embarrassment.

"You mean this one?" he asks, walking over to his bag and holding it up upon removing it.

"Oh my god, yes!" you say, walking over to get it. "Thank you so much, Taemin."

"It was no problem," he says, smiling shyly. "I was gonna come get some extra practice in and saw it on the bench and automatically knew it was yours."

"I see, being a try hard, as usual," you say jokingly, causing him to laugh. "Well thanks again. My mom would have killed me if I lost this." He just nods his head in response.

"So, um, there has been this question I have been wanting to ask you," he says, scractching his head.

"What is it?" you ask curiously. He starts to get a timid look on his face that also turns a sligth red color.

"You see, I've kind of maybe liked you for a while now, and so I was wondering if you would, like, go out with me?" he asks, trying hard not to look at you.

"Like, you want me to be your girlfriend?" you say in clarification. He just nods, finally meeting your eyes. Without much thought, you smile and nod your head silently.

"Jin jja? You'd do that?" he asks, eyes widened in surprise.

"Of course," you say. He smiles excitedly and hugs you. You return his hug with equal force as a smile spreads widely across your face. This was much better than finding your phone.

A/N to dedicated: So I know this doesn't really directly involve dance, so I'm sorry :( I was gonna do soemthing else, but it kinda just turned into this. Hope you still like it!

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