Chapter 8(Part II) The Library

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After spending the lunch break with him, I was a tad bit convinced with what he said. People are not always what you think they are.

Earlier, his image in my mind was like this-

Arrogant, cocky and rude as fuck.

Fucks a girl the minute he sees her.

Uses death sticks to smoke every damn minute.

Part of a mafia gang.

Does not make new friends.

However, all these thoughts went out of the window when we talked. Well, he talked.

And just like that he ended up following me all around the library. His sleeves were rolled unto his elbows and I saw a fancy 'E' tattooed on his right forearm. His muscles flexed every time he adjusted the strap of his bag and I nearly fainted at the site.

Boys look so hot when they do that.

There were two libraries in our school. One had old books and journals hence, nobody really visits it. It is my official crying spot whenever I am beaten by my father or I just want to spend some time with myself.

He looked around the library curiously since this is probably the first time he ever came to a library. He was literally acting like a lost puppy.

A Cute puppy.

I made my way towards one of the empty seats in the corner of the library. I do not like sitting with around people because I get too self conscious. I got my notebook from my bag and the textbook I just found to do the assignment that is due in two days.

"What are doing?" Dave asked curiously as he grabbed a chair beside me and dragged it out, making a squeaky noise. I winced at the sound and shivered as I got goosebumps.

"First of all," I whispered "if you don't want the librarian dragging your ass out of here, be quiet."

"And second of all?" he whispered but his deep voice still made it seem loud enough.

"I am trying to do homework. So if you would kindly excuse me, dear sir." I said with a sickeningly sweet voice because I was still annoyed at the fact that the librarian has her full attention on us.

"What is this poor fellow going to do here then?" he asked, pointing his index finger towards his face.

"I don't know. I told you to not come. You were the one who insisted." I shrugged and started solving the first question. He looked at my notebook with a confused look and then shifted his gaze back at me.

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