Chapter 2 - The Step Father

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From every wound, there is a scar and every scar tells a story. A story that says "I have survived." Turn your words into wisdom.


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I gasped when someone pulled me by my hair and knew it was him.

I yelped in pain. "No, not again." I thought as I cursed myself for thinking that I was going to slide out safely today. He pulled me again so that my back was against his chest. He brought his mouth close to my ears and whispered "You are nothing but a filthy piece of shit, you slut. If I hear even one rumor about you, I will punish you worse than yesterday. Do you understand?" His word made me shiver.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered as I could see my near future already as he had planned. He pulled my hair even harder this time and said-

"What did you say?"

"Y-Yes, sir. I understand." I said.

"Hmm...That's better. Come home before 5 o'clock or you know the consequences." And with that, he turned and walked away disappearing somewhere into the hallway. I let out a sigh. I hurried toward the black Mercedes which was probably waiting for god knows how long. I got in only to find the driver grinning widely and greeting me.

"Good morning Ms. Williams." Mr. Peterson said as I entered the car.

"Good morning Mr. Peterson and for the hundredth time- it's Isabella for you," I said smiling knowing that he would call me only by my father's name since he has been told to do so. Mr. Peterson was a man in his mid-forties and was always so friendly with everyone. He always treated me like his own daughter. He had a son who was my age, which is seventeen if you didn't know, and a daughter probably 4 years younger than me.

"Why the sudden happiness?" I asked

"Well it's my son's first day in high school today too so, you know. Ready for the first day in high school?"

Or the question can be "ready for another tiring day?" I thought to myself. "Of course. I have been since my mom left me under his care." I answered my own question.

"Yeah. I am so excited for today." I lied. Today is anything but exciting. New year, new people, and new rumors. Yeah, that's exactly what I have to stay away from for the rest of the year.

Throughout the ride, he tried to make conversations and I tried to make my answers short and sound sophisticated. I felt bad but truth to be told I was not planning on having a conversation with anyone today. Just a bad day. Thanks to him. I looked outside to distract myself. I noticed a couple taking an early morning work with their child who was not more than 10 years old. I suddenly remembered the time when me, dad and mom used to go for picnics and trips. I would sit on my dad's shoulder and he would run around and I would giggle so much that tears would fall due to laughing.

That was until he died. He just left without any notice. I think that is how death is. It hurts while dying but that's just for a span of few minutes. However, the ones who love you deeply, die every single day when the memories haunt them. Not even one day passed by when I didn't think of my dad. He was a businessman but he ensured to spend a lot of time with me and my mom. If only I could return to the past and stop all of that from happening.

If only I hadn't asked him to get me that toy.

If only he didn't drive in the rain that night.

If only the truck hadn't crashed with his car.

There were only ifs in my sentences but I couldn't do anything to change it. Tears started to get welled up and I quickly got rid of them before Mr. Peterson noticed them. We reached school and I got off the car. I told him to be here by 4:30. He nodded and waved me goodbye before leaving.

Everyone turned their attention towards me as if Selena Gomez just entered the campus. For fucks sake it's not true guys!

In case you were wondering what is not true, I will explain.

Last year, Emily Rivera created a rumor that Isabella Williams a.k.a me is dating Evan Watson.

Like, seriously?



Ha, give me a break. No one would believe you.

But guess what happened. Since fate has sworn to always pull silly tricks on me, everyone believed it. Guys where are your freak 'in brains? In the gutter? How may a nerd date? And of all people me -who had decided to close all doors of reaching her?

I was a nerd in school who didn't really talk to anybody in her sophomore year. I was only known due to my famous -so-called- dad. Stepdad to be specific. Let's not talk about him right now. You know that I am not in a mood to. After people tried to talk to me, they thought that I was just a spoiled bitch with tons loads of attitude. Let them think whatever they want. I have many other problems to deal with folks.

So here I was, trying to walk past them as if nothing happened. Oh boy, only I know what I went through. Avoiding everyone's glare in the hallway was not easy. I am going to fucking kill Emily. Since I refused to help her with the math test once, she just went around getting on my nerves by spreading rumors. That was the last thing I wanted to happen to me.

As lies spread faster than truth, the news somehow reached my dad and he went all Jackie Chan on me yesterday. Don't laugh, it's not funny. This might have been a joke to Emily but only I knew about the consequence. It was far too serious than anyone could think of.

They will never understand my pain neither will I let them know. I will soon be away from this ungrateful world that has nothing to give me other than pain. Where I have no one to take away my pain from me.






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