Chapter 8 - Making Friends.

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It's okay if you dont like me. Not everyone has a good taste.


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But it wouldn't harm being friends with a playboy.

Would it?

We kept talking about our lives.


He kept talking about his life. I kept listening. I wasn't getting bored. Instead, the more we talked, the more I wanted to know about him. He asked me about myself here and there but I kept my answers short and crisp.

I didn't want him to know about my pathetic life. If he gets to know about it, he will leave too. Not that I mind but I want to hold on to him for just a little longer.

I just dont know why I have such absurd thoughts nowadays.

After a while, a couple made it to our table, hand in hand and sat with us.

How did I forget Zack Hudson? He is Dave's best friend since childhood. Their families are business partners. He is the most popular boy in school after Dave.

There was only one problem for the girls. He was committed.

Yes. He is dating a girl named Olivia.

She was a silent girl. Keyword: was.

After she started dating Zack, she started opening up to people and attending parties occasionally. She is not a spoilt brat but at least she is not an introvert like me. I wonder if my life would ever change like hers.

"Hi." Zack said.

"Hello. You are Zack right?"

"Whoa! Surprised to know that you know my name. Why are you here?"

I looked at Dave unsure of what to say.

"Hey! Stop acting like a douche bag." Olivia spoke. She turned towards me and said-

"Hi, I am Olivia." She stretched her hands forward and I shook hands with her.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Hold up ladies. I didn't mean it that way. It's just that I never saw you in the canteen let alone being seen with Dave. What made today any different, huh?"

"Nah. It okay. I know it's out of the blue. I always eat in the library" I chuckled awkwardly not sure of what to say post that.

As if Dave knew exactly what my situation is, he changed the topic.

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