Chapter 13 - The Unexpected Anger

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A true friend's silence hurts more than an enemy's harsh words.


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A small part of me was expecting Dave but it's is good that he didn't show up.

I wouldn't want him to see me in my worst state and ask me questions which are the last thing I want to answer. I have no idea what I am going to say if he asks me the reason of my break down.

Evan slouched down to my level and said "If you want me to make some excuse for you in the physics class, I can do that."

I wiped my tears realizing that he must be thinking of me as some weak girl. I don't want to let others know that I am weak and I am not even emotionally stable. I quickly got up.

"There is no need for that. I wouldn't skip an important class just because of a small reason. I can handle it."

He offered me a bottle of water and I took it.

We started to walk towards the class together. I looked at him, only to catch him already looking at me with worried expression. I quickly averted my gaze up front.

"Thank-you so much for this." I said pointing awkwardly towards the bottle. He chuckled.

"There is no need to thank me. This is the least I could have done for you." he said before swiping his index finger over my right cheek.

I was taken aback by his sudden action but then he showed me his finger and I realized it was my tear which I didn't wipe.

I wiped my face leaving no evidence of my break down and started walking again. I looked at him again and saw that he was still looking at me.

It got awkward for a few seconds before he said,

"If you are worried about what just happened back there, then don't worry pretty lady, your secret is safe with me." I smiled.

After a long time. He is not that bad of person. I should really stop judging people without knowing them.

"But Isabella," he started off again, "If you want, you can share anything with me. I will be here. This is what friends are for, right?"

I couldn't really say anything to that. Evan seemed like a really friendly and caring person. He never pestered me for telling anything as he understood my situation.

I know friend care for you and that's why they shower you with questions and fight. But maybe, just maybe, this was his way of being friends.

A smile made its way on my face and I couldn't help but think that I made another friend.

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