Chapter 12 - Have to be strong cuz I'm a girl

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There are many who are ready to cry when you die but there are only a few who are ready to die when you cry.


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I woke up the next morning in my dad's study when the sunlight fell on my face.

Another painful night.

Another painful memory.

Another scar to remind me of him.

I was alone when I woke up. Again.

All I asked god was for someone who I can lean on. Someone who I can rely upon. Someone who can save me from the devil.

Someone who can love me.

But he can't even give me that one person.

Often people ask for money, getting pass in exams, I-phone and in between all of this, they forget about their loved ones.

Whereas, all I am asking for is someone who I can love and fear of losing.

Oh dad, I miss you so much. I wish you were here. I can't do it alone anymore.

I got up on my own just like how I always do. My back hurts so much from yesterday's beating that every moment reminds me of the fact that I am a coward.

Getting myself back on two feet was one hell of a task and getting my back straight and acting normal was another.

I looked at the clock and it was already seven o'clock.

Shit! I have to be at school by 8.

I quickly got out of the study room and proceeded towards my room when Mrs. Doris appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of me.

"G-Good morning, Mrs. Doris." I gave her the biggest smile possible in order for her to not find out.

"It will definitely not be a good morning if you try to hide the truth from me of all people, Isabella. What did you think? Hiding the wound by letting your hair down would help?" She frowned and said in a serious tone.

"Mrs. Doris, I am fine. They are just small scratches." I tried to assure her.

"Judging from the way you were begging him and screaming due to the pain, you are far from fine, Isabella." She eyed me and said as a matter of fact.

Soon tears started to form and she pulled me inside the bedroom. She closed the doors as I was constantly looking out whether my father is here or not.

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