Chapter 15 -The Football Ground.

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Return my shine that you once borrowed, else I shall drag you into my darkness.


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It was Evan. I saw red.

As if the day wasn't bad enough, Evan had to come and sit with us. He has got another thing coming his way if he thinks we both will sit on the same table. I was ready to punch him right across his face but I didn't because I didn't want to create a scene in front of Isabella.

I don't hate him.

I fucking loathe him.

Every time I see him, I see her face in front of me and can't help but feel guilty.

Things were not this tense between us. We were best friends.

Zack, Evan and I used to be inseparable. But that was until he messed up. He fucked up with both our lives and friendship. If it wasn't for him, she would have been here, with us, laughing and making us laugh. He ruined everything.

I loved her so much. Yet, I couldn't protect her.

All the memories from the past came flooding back and all I could think of was different ways of killing Evan.

Isabella did a huge mistake by bringing him here but again, she didn't know anything. She must have thought we are still best friends but she doesn't know anything.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi." Isabella said and smiled.

"What is he doing here?" I asked her, not breaking the eye contact I had with Evan now.

"He just came to eat lunch with us, Dave. Relax!" she said.

Relax? Are you playing a sick game with me right now? She brought him here and now she is asking me to relax? I know she didn't know anything but I couldn't help but feel angry. I tried my best to control my anger and not look at her because I didn't want to take my anger out on her. The last thing I want to be happening to me is her getting scared and running away.

I got up from my seat and the chair made a loud squeaky noise which grabbed every one's attention.

By now every one was looking in our direction. They were all just waiting for a fight to take place. A few also had their camera ready to record us.

"Isabella, tell him to fuck off."

"But why, Dave? What the hell did he even do for you to get so worked up?" she was really trying to get on my last nerves. Did I ask her any questions when she almost broke down in front of us?

"Fine. Enjoy your lunch then. Because on this table it's either him or me." I said furiously.

I turned around and started to leave but she grabbed my hand.

If it was any other time of the day, I would have felt ecstatic. This was the first time she held my hand but I didn't want to create a scene in front of her. Not right now.

I couldn't help but jerk my hand off and I knew she would have felt hurt.

I didn't know what to do. All the anger which I had tried to suppress all this while was coming on the surface again. I was frustrated and I had to take it out.

So, I went to the place where I had so many memories of her with me. This is where we spent most of our time.

The football ground.

The ground was empty and I went towards the goal post. I took the footballs that were scattered and started shooting them one by one into the goal.




It just wouldn't go in. That got me even more frustrated.

What was I supposed to do?

I knew someone came to the ground but I was least bothered about it. I really hope that they would mind their own fucked up business and leave me alone for a while.

Suddenly that certain someone moved me by giving me a hard push and left me startled.

What the hell is Isabella doing here? Football ground is the last thing I thought she would set her foot at.

She placed the football at the ground and aimed at the goal. I have to admit that she looks really funny right now, judging from her height and posture.

I swear to god, if this goes in, I will quit from the football team's captain post and kill myself.

She kicked it with so much of force and I traced the path of football with my eyes.

And it went in

What the hell.






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