Chapter 1- Morning

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Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it is better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself by putting them back together.







These are the 5 stages of waking up.

Reality seeped into my veins as my eyes fluttered open. Memories came rushing back and I felt the soreness of my scars run deep. The very thought of waking up and facing the backlashes gave me shivers. Every passing moment of the day I wish that if my life could be changed by just a fraction, I would give away anything for it. If only something in my possession was of value, that is. 

 After facing the true horrors in the face of my stepfather, I wanted to die yesterday. 

But then again, as much as I hate to admit it, I cannot just put on the running shoes and sprint. I have to live through this because once I am 18, I can run away. Which is sadly after a year.  I will be glad if I would be even able to make it for a day. Even if I run away, he is going to find me. He has the power when it comes to monetary possessions. 

In terms of courage? Well.

I tried to get up but I felt a sharp pain in my back which made me groan, but not too loud since he would hear it. I sighed heavily and took a deep breath.

Finally, after mustering up my courage, I got up ignoring the pain as much as possible, and went inside the bathroom. I stripped naked. I didn't dare to look at the mirror as I was not yet ready to look at my own reflection.

I stood under the shower and allowed the cold water to run down my body. I shivered when the cold water touched my bare chest. If this lets me forget about him then why not?

I dried myself and got out. I finally took a look at myself in the mirror and thanked the dear god when I saw no severe marks on my face, which I would have otherwise struggled to hide.

The old bruises had started to fade away, leaving yellow marks on my stomach, legs, and back.

I wore a grey tank top that exposed my shoulders

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I wore a grey tank top that exposed my shoulders. I made sure that I hide all the scars and bruises either by make-up or my hair. I paired the top with a pair of skinny white jeans. I wore the heart-shaped pendant and loop earrings. I wasn't in the mood of curling my hair because I am lazy.

And from lazy, I mean very lazy.

I applied concealer to hide my eye bags and liner to hide my nerdy look. I am not the nerd of the school who has her head behind a book all the time. Instead, I am the quiet and shy one who makes everyone feel awkward if they ever initiate a conversation. I took a final look at myself once I was done.

Good job at making yourself look oh so realistic.

I hate school with a burning passion but since it is my only hideout, I have learnt to control myself from setting it on fire and turning it into ashes.

I am not kidding.

Today was my first day of senior high school. Last year of my school life and then I am out of that hell hole. Far away. I don't have any friends so it's not like I am going to have any reason to miss it or ever visit it again.

I placed one strap of my bag on my left shoulder and got out of my bedroom. I looked towards my right and then towards my left to ensure that he was nowhere around. Trust me, running into him is the last thing I want to do.

Thankfully the path was clear. When I reached the main door of the house, someone pulled me by my hair and I knew exactly who it was.






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Random question of the chapter: Where are you from?

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