Chapter 31 - My Queen

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Why don't you slip into something more comfortable. Like coma.


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The bell rang but I didn't budge from my place. I didn't find it in me to come back to reality. I needed to absorb everything that just happened. There were so many things going on in my life that I didn't know where to start solving them. Bella didn't ask me to solve her problems. In fact, she would never ask for it even if she is not in the right state of mind. But I have to rescue her from that bastard because she is mine and I can't bear to see her hurt.

Life is like Math. If it is too easy, that means there is something wrong. And when there is something wrong, you have to start all over again. The only thing I am afraid of is if me trying to save her will land her in more trouble. It's fine if I am the one getting hurt in the end but not her. She deserves a better life than this.

I went to class 10 minutes late. I know the teacher wouldn't give a shit.

I just entered the class without asking for his permission. He glared at me but didn't say anything to me. He knows very well that it wouldn't affect me in the slightest. Giving me detention isn't a way to deal with my behavior because everyone knows it wouldn't change me. The maximum he can do is take me to the dean but the dean wouldn't dare to put anything on the record if he wants to keep his job safe. Perks of being related to the chairman.

Bella was sitting with Olivia so that I don't sit with her. Oh. So this how she was going to ignore me?

It's Okay. I know that I deserved it. Its my fault and its not like I would never meet her again. I can talk to her after the class. I decided to give her some personal space because annoying her is on the last of my 'how to impress your crush' list. Well not exactly a crush anymore judging from the fact that I kissed her and she kissed me back.

I went and sat at the back silently. I was aching to talk to her. Her ignoring me is nothing new but the way I feel every time is different. Each time, it gets magnified by hundred. Between the classes, I kept throwing paper balls in her direction when the teacher wasn't looking. If she doesn't want to talk to me then she can at least spare me a glance, right? She received them all but gave it to Olivia.

Once the last period was over, before the teacher could take her leave, Bella went out of the class. Oh well, this is a first. She never leaves until the teacher leaves. I guess I will have to work hard this time.

I saw her leaving and picked my bag up in a hurry so that I could catch up to her. I was going to leave but the teacher stopped me. He held me by my hand and it took everything in me to not punch his sausage looking face for holding me back.

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