Chapter 7 - We Are Just Friends.

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Tell me not to do something and I will do it twice and take pictures.


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"Spend the lunch break with me for two continuous weeks, starting from today."

Did I hear him correctly? He asked me to have lunch with him?

Whoa, back the truck up, is he seriously retarded or something?

Dave Anderson, THE most popular student wants to have lunch with me, in front of the whole school in the canteen. Why would someone want to spend their time with me in spite of having so many friends?

Either something is wrong with him or he is just pulling some sort of smart ass stunt on me.

Are you kidding me?

"No. That is no way happening."

"Then I will never forgive you and take you as a girl who misjudges people." He shook his head. "I never expected this from you." He made puppy eyes and tried to convince me. And it did.

"B-Bitch, stop blackmailing me." I said as I stuttered at such a crucial and intense moment of my life.

"I am not. You are the one acting like a bitch while I am asking you to just sit with me. Well I know that I intimidate you with my presence but that is absolutely normal, baby girl. You are not the first to be intimidated." he said and smirked.

What the hell!!?

Well you can't really blame me. He had the kind of face which could melt anyone's heart. He had brown hair and light brown eyes which was definitely very persuading.

Isabella! You need to stop looking into his eyes!

"You have no such effect on me. You are just being delusional." I said without stuttering.

Yay, go me!

He just stared at me.

"W-What? Haven't your mom taught you that it is rude to stare at someone?" And there goes the stuttering.

He just continued staring with one eye brow raised. I admit, he is very intimidating!

"Ugh. Okay, okay fine. I will have lunch with you." I said as I finally gave in. And there goes nothing!

But I swear to god, if he tries to do something, I will make him choke on his dick and kill him.

He immediately grinned. Oh god, that pant-dropping smile that made its way on his face was worth million dollars. He had cute dimples on both his cheek.

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