Chapter 11 - What is my mistake?

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He, who has hit a woman once, had forever killed a man in himself.


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What the actual fuck have you done Dave?

"H-Hi." I gave him a fake smile. It was becoming difficult for me to form a sentence, let alone stutter.

Since I moved back, he was a bit hurt. As much as I want to talk to him, I know I can't. If my step-father witnesses me getting too frank with a boy, he will probably slit my throat and smoke weed with my windpipe.

"I just wanted to talk."

But why? Shit!

"You guys continue." He said to Dave and then turned to me. "I have to talk to you about something dear. Meet me after you are done, okay?"

"Y-Yes dad." I said before he walked off.

"Why are you stuttering? Are you fine?" he said as he took a step forward only for me to take another back. Hurt was evident in his eyes and I could see it as much as he was trying to hide it.

"I am," I snapped. "What are you doing here?" He better have a good enough reason to freaking come to my house. How does he even know my address?

"I-I just came to give this bracelet. It was there in the parking lot where you fell. I figured that it was yours." he said in a low tone.

My eyes widened and I quickly took it from him.

How could I be so careless?

"Oh god! Thank you so much for bringing this back, Dave. You have no idea how much it means to me. I am sorry, I-I shouldn't have blasted off like that." I said as I smiled at him.

"It's fine. I don't mind. Not a problem." he finally smiled as he looked relax when I was no more pissed off.

If it wasn't for Dave, I would have lost the last thing that I have of dad. He brought it for me on my 10th birthday.

It's too precious to me and I can't bear to lose it.

"So, do you want to hang out tonight?" he asked in a totally friendly way.

I wish!

"Thanks for offering but dad probably needs my help in something and I also have my English project. Sorry."

His smile suddenly disappeared and I knew he was disappointed.


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"Okay. It's not a problem." He said, smiling again but I knew it wasn't the real one which makes my insides crazy.

"I am really sorry." I said apologetically.

"Nah. It's fine. Maybe next time. Bye." he waved in my direction and went towards the door.

I couldn't help but stare at his back.

No. Not in a perverted way.

It's just so ironic that just like how he came to my house and went, everyone in my life comes and goes.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I didn't bother getting rid of them.

A part of me wanted him to turn. I wanted to see him once more as I wasn't sure whether I will live through my father's violence or not.

I looked at his retreating figure till he reached the door.

He didn't turn....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I went to my step-father's study room and knocked lightly.

"Come in." a voice came from inside and my stomach churned. I am still not ready for this. Hell, I don't even know how long this one is going to last.

I went inside and saw him furiously staring at the screen. Whatever that machine is showing him, it is not helping my situation at all.

"Isabella, can you get those files kept on the top shelf."

I turned around and saw a bunch of files kept on the top shelf. I knew I wouldn't reach them but still went towards them.

I am just 5'4. How do I get that? I jumped and tried to reach them but I couldn't.

Suddenly I felt a strong hand pull my hair behind with so much of force that I thought my hair would come off.

"You slut. These files are just like your dream. You can't fucking reach them no matter how much you try. Even if you are on the verge of achieving them, I will be there pulling you back until you lose all your hope."

With that he threw me towards the floor and started to unbuckle his belt.

"No! please-" tears started to flow down my cheeks.

He whipped his belt freely in the air and just the sound was enough for me to cry. he whipped it in the air and the sound it made, gave me shivers all over the body.

"Pl-please. Don't. I beg you. Please!"

I started to drag myself backward.

"You should have thought of that before you flirted with a boy under my roof." He bent to my level and grabbed my face before spitting on it.

He grabbed my hair and pulled me towards the computer screen that he was earlier staring at.

On the screen, there were pictures of me and Dave taken from wrong angles.

Me and him holding hands.

Him touching my shoulder from behind.

Us eating in the canteen.

With the hand which was holding my hair, he pushed me towards the floor again. He placed his humongous hand over my face so that I couldn't breath by any means. After a long 20 seconds, he removed his head and I took a few deep breathes.

"This is what you get for disobeying me, you whore."

He flipped me so that I was lying on my stomach. He placed his one foot over my head so that I wouldn't try to get up or protect my self. With my free hands, I was trying to remove his foot from my head when he lifted his other foot in the air so that all the force can be applied on my head.

I screamed when the pain got unbearable. When the force was released, I knew that something worse was coming my way.

He grabbed his belt and started to hit me.



It didn't stop. It stung more than usual.

"No! It hurts. Please, Stop!!" I screamed as the pain started to get unbearable.

I was wishing for unconsciousness take over me so that he stops.

I don't know how many times I got hit before darkness consumed me.







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