Chapter 4 - Second-Hand Embarrassment

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Trusting you is my decision. Proving me right is your choice.



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I suddenly turned around and looked at the most beautiful pair of eyes. I had never seen such a color. This was probably the first time I looked into his eyes. Suddenly I realized who "he" was.


I quickly looked away.

"Hey, Hey, it's just me. Relax," he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder but I moved back, all the while trying to avoid his gaze.

He probably saw the sweat beads on my forehead.

Well, your presence just gave another reason to not relax.

He was looking at me intently as if searching for an answer. Trust me when I say this, those are the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen.

"What do you want" I snapped out of my trance and said. How dare he scare me?

"Well, I just came to ask something. Do you-"

"Look if you ran out of girls then just fuck off. It's not the right time of the day and definitely not the right person either. If you came here to bully me and taunt me then save it for another time. I don't have the energy to deal with a punk-ass like you."

I really didn't want to talk to this guy right now. He always acts like a jerk playing with girls' feelings. So, keeping that in mind, I don't think he can have anything decent to ask me, or worse, we could have anything come to talk about.

"What?!! No, fuck.... no! I came to ask whether you have my notebook because I have yours. It probably got exchanged in chem class."

By now, I was probably shitting bricks.

I shouldn't have reacted that way. That was really stupid and rude of me. Hurt was evident in his eyes judging from the low tone he used towards the end of his explanation.

Damn, what is it with my obsession with some random guy's eyes?

I checked my bag and found his notebook.

Well, I fucked up. Curse me to the sun and back.

"I - I am-" I started but he didn't even let me complete my sentence. He took his notebook from my hands and shoved mine in my hands with a slight force, enough to add to my guilt.

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