Kiss and a Show

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Unlike last time, he actually kissed back. He put his hands on my face and kissed me back, slow and bruisingly, a smoky taste that was not so familiar to me filling my mouth. We started speeding up, from a slow, soft kiss into some heated, fast, frenzy. It felt perfect. Like a missing piece of a puzzle. I was in Heaven. I got so caught up in his touch, the invisibility spell I cast completely slipped from my mind, as well as any control I had over my powers. Next thing I knew, we were floating in the air, on the roof of Sweet Justice, slightly hovering above it with magenta and light blue streaks surrounding us. Goddammit. Light blue is the more wild side of my powers, the color my eyes go when I lose control. This has to be the worst situation I've been in.

"Sorry," I apologized, blushing as I teleported us back. I looked around at the café and saw no one from school was there. "I'm glad no one else other than Barry from Metropolis High is here, or I would be dead. John, this never happened. Okay? You breathe a word of this to anyone, and I swear to God I will toss your ass into He—... nevermind you've probably been to Hell before. I'll throw you into another dimension, then. Got it?"

"Hey, don't worry about it, Luv. I'm not telling anyone. And, yeah, I have been to Hell and back a few times. No big deal, that happens when you're a demon hunter."

"Yeah, wait for me outside. I'll be right there. I need to talk with Barry for a second." He nodded his head and stepped outside. "Woah, Zee. Since when do you move that fast with guys? I thought speed was my thing," Barry said, stepping over to me, cleaning a smoothie cup.

"Decided to switch things up a bit. Listen, Barry. If you breathe a word of this to any person from school, especially Leslie, I will throw you into another dimension. Got it?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it, Zee."

"Thanks, Barr. Gotta go now, sorry. Oh, and here's a tip. That's to make sure you don't tell anyone, by the way." I handed him a $20 bill in addition to the $30 for the sweets. I walked out, where John was waiting.

"Hey. Yeah, sorry, I had to talk with Barry, make sure I don't get my ass busted. Again, might I add." My phone vibrated. "I swear to God if it's my dad again... I swear to God..." I muttered to myself as I checked. 

Kara: Hey Zee


U with Constantine rn?

Yeah, why???

Kara: I just got two tickets for one of the sickest bands ever. He want in?

Lemme check


"Yeah, Luv?"

"Kara's going to a rock concert. She's asking if you want to go."

"Yeah, I mean, yeah, I will definitely go, if you don't mind."

"What? Oh, of course, John. I have other friends. I have shows to do. Go and live out your own interests. We don't like all the same stuff."

"You should probably go to that show. I know you and your Dad aren't on the best terms, but, once he's gone, you're gonna wish you would've spent time with him. Take it from a bloke who got his parents murdered by a demon. You've already lost your Mum, yeah?"

"Since I was two." 

"Well, then, take it from a bloke that got both of his parents murdered by a demon. You should probably put some shit behind you two. Trust me. In was in your exact position a few months ago. My parents and I got in a giant fight. We didn't even talk with each other for a few weeks. That's why I didn't tell them about stopping that one demon. The next day, I came back from detention, ready to get my ass beat again. I went into their room, and saw Trigon standing there with a fiery dagger against both their throats. He mauled them to the point that if they weren't my parents, I would've thought they were completely different people, I could hardly recognize them. Please, Luv, don't make the same mistake I did, alright? I care a lot about you. I do not want you to make the same mistakes I did. Alright, Zee?"

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