Ch. 20

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"Goddammit, this is sold," he told me. "Uh... sir?"

"Yes. This is amazing. This is great, Zee. I love this. Seriously."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Rios."

"I'm guessing you did the most of the script, yes?"

"Yes. Mortimer worked on the costumes, and Oliver worked on the set, pre-suspension."

"Pre what? He got suspended? What?"

"Oh, right. So, he's suspended for almost a month."

"And may I ask why?"

"He... how do I say this...?"

"Jesus Christ, just say he raped you, Zee," Morty said, appearing next to me.

"What the hell, Morty! I had this covered! I told you I don't like to talk about this shit! Oh, my God, I am so sorry. I am so sorry, Mr. Rios."

"It's fine. Wait, he did that to you?"

"Yeah. That's why I was so reluctant to work on any projects with him."

"Ah. In that case, you'll never have to work with him again. You should've told me."

"Thank you, Mr. Rios."

"Well done, Zee. Mortimer, might I see your costumes?"

"Yes, sir." He pulled them out of his bag and showed them to him. "Alright, good. This looks good. You said this was mid-1800's, yes?"

"Yes, sir. 1850, in mind."

"This is accurate. Well done, Mortimer."

"Thank you."

~YKW fuck it ima have a time skip until after school~

I walked out of the drama classroom. Mr. Rios chose our play, so, we have a whole month to get this thing going with the sets and all the different costumes and stuff, which Morty has designs for already. I need to teleport Sara back to Central City.

"Oh, hey, Sara. How was your class with Oliver?"

"Oh, it was decent enough."

"Did you learn anything?"

"Surprisingly, yes. He corrected my archery forms and taught me a few new tricks."

"Well, that's good. Ready to go back to Central City?"

"Yep, port me away."

"Great, follow me really quick." I led her to the back of the school. No one ever comes back here.

"Shinav," I whispered. She was gone.

~Sara's PoV~

"Shinav," Zee whispered. I ended up right outside Len's apartment. I am so glad I get to stay in Central and I still get to go to MHS. Those girls are the fucking best. Especially Kara. She seems like my type of girl. Strong, aggressive, a little anger-management issues, right up my alley. I knocked on the door, and Lisa opened the door. "Sara! Come on in!" I threw my bag on the ground and got my homework out. Before I could start on anything, my phone rang. Ugh, what is it now?

Incoming call from:

H.R. Stupid Wells

"What is it, Wells?"

"Ah, there she is. Central City Park. Please, hurry. Francisco and B.A. are busy with Weather Wizard and Miss Caitlin is stuck with Mirror Master, I believe. Please, hurry. Trickster is holding hostages and is about to blow them up. Stop him."

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