New Year's

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"Where.. where am I?" I asked before seeing the Newcastle Crew. My heart stopped. "John, John! JOHN!" I shouted, seeing him getting held up by quite a few demons before his throat was slit. I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, soft tears running down my face. Oh, God...

I felt someone's weight next to me in bed. I looked over, and John was laying next to me. Thank God. "Oh, thank God... John..." I whispered, going closer to him. I smiled and took a deep breath, calming down, falling back asleep.

I woke up the next day with a headache. "Oh, God...."

"Hangover got you too, Luv?" I heard next to me. I rubbed my forehead and groaned, looking up. "Yeah... why are you not affected or anything?"

"Back in England, let's say I spent most of my youth drinking." I sat up and saw John standing next to our bed, cigarette in his mouth. "I've never seen you smoke before," I told him.

"Wanted to keep that part of me a secret. Once you saw me smoking out with the Newcastle girls, I guess I figured I didn't need to hide it anymore."


"Well, regardless, morning, Luv." After getting ready and everything, I stepped back out all dressed. "What time is it, John?"

"Almost 10:30. Oh, you're wearing the bracelets I gave you. And the choker thing Chas got you."

"Yeah. Remind me to thank Chas later, and thank you for this."

"How'd you sleep?" He asked. I sighed. "Another nightmare, wasn't it, Z?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Luv. I know how hard nights are for you. I really wish you didn't have to go through this sort of stuff. Care to tell me about it?"

"You and the Newcastle Crew were fighting a few demons... my magic was gone... you... you got your throat slit. It hurt, so much.... I couldn't think of anything else... John, I was so scared, you don't... you don't know..." I choked out through tears. He took his cigarette out and tossed it into a portal before coming closer to me.

"That's never happening, Luv. I told you once, I'll say it again. I'm not going anywhere. Alright? I'm not going anywhere. I promise. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, John. I wouldn't have gone to Hell for you if I wouldn't," I answered without second thought.

"Then trust me when I say that I'm not going anywhere. Swear by it, Luv..."

"Thank- thank you, John," I breathed. "Don't worry, Z. I'm always going to be here," he told me, wrapping his arms around me in a hug. "Thank you for taking us home, by the way."

"Of course," I responded. "You took a hell of a chance doing a spell that big. Especially with an injury like that. I just patched you up from that injury a few hours before that."

"I know I did. I should probably stop by my dad's."


"I'm gonna go do that now. Is Chas here?"

"He is. Kitchen."

"Thanks." I walked over to the kitchen and saw Chas leaning over the counter.

"Morning, Chas."

"Oh, God, I haven't been this hung over in a long time... good morning, Zee. Wearin' the jewelry we got you, I see..."

"Yeah. I'm gonna stop by my dad's really quick. Won't take longer than ten minutes."

"Great. You taking John with you?"

"If he wants to." I went over to him and went back into the room. I knocked twice. "John," I called. "Yeah, Luv?"

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