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(I'm really sorry for the long wait for the chapters. I promise to try to update more often. Thank you everyone for understanding)

The sun hit my face, and I woke up, a hand on my waist. I smiled. John...

"Good morning, Luv. You're up quite early."

"6:45? Not early at all for me. How'd you sleep?" (Look Idfk I just threw a random time in)

"Wonderfully. You?"

"Seeing as I just slept next to the sweetest guy I know, pretty good." John reached over to my forehead and kissed it. "Let's get up, Luv," he told me. I smiled, and got out of his bed. He did as well, and I felt my face flush up when I saw his chest. I've seen it before, but, not like this. Wonderful way to wake up, if you ask me. "You're using the bathroom first?"

"Yep, you're getting dressed first?"

"Yes. See you in a few." I kissed his cheek, and grabbed my clothes out of my makeshift wardrobe on the floor, getting changed quickly. I grabbed my brush and my makeup set out of my bag, and walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door. "John? Mind if I come in there to do my hair and makeup?"

"Course not, Luv. Come on in." I set everything down, and completed my face relatively quickly. One last layer of eye primer, and I was done. John came back into the bathroom, dressed. I brushed my hair for so long, getting every single knot out. That's hard, seeing as how long my hair is. (I'm not kidding. I have shoulder-length hair and it takes me 10 minutes every morning to get my hair all nice and knot-free and soft) When I was finished, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I smiled over my shoulder, seeing John there. I kissed his cheek.

"What time is it, John?"


"Alright, thank you. We still have a lot of time before school starts. I'm gonna go put my stuff away and go get some breakfast, you should probably do the same," I told him, walking out of the bathroom, my makeup and brush in hand. I placed everything away, and then walked out of the room to the kitchen. "Morning, Zee," I heard. 

"Good morning, Chas."

"I picked up some coffee from Metro's, and John told me yesterday what you usually get. Hopefully, he got it right. Half-cal latte, right? And a croissant?"

"Yes, thank you, Chas. You are a goddamn lifesaver."

"Thank your boyfriend. How did the two of you sleep?"

"He told me he slept wonderfully."


"Great. Slept for seven hours. That's hard for me. Since I faced off with Fuseli a few months back, I've had a really bad case of insomnia, and I can't get a night's sleep in without waking up every few hours from a nightmare of seeing myself tearing the world apart with my magic or something like that. It's horrifying. Guess that's what happens when your enemy is the lord of night terrors. But, since John showed up, it's been getting a lot better. He takes my mind off of things."

"That's good. Alright, I gotta head over to work now. I can trust you two can get there on time? Wait, let me rephrase that. I can trust that you'll get John's ass to school on time?"

"Yes. I can do that."

"What time does your thing start again?"


"Alright. Bye," he told me before shouting to the hallway. "JOHN! I'M LEAVING!"

"Okay, mate. See ya later," John said, wrapping an arm around my waist. Guess he was closer than I thought. 

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