Chaos in a Show

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Ooh, this'll be fun...

For the most part, it was the same people auditioning. Fortner, Hal, Garth, all the regular. Pretty damn bad. For every other play, we used to rely solely on Morty or Oliver for the leads. Once or twice, we had Garth or Steve. And lemme tell you, those were probably our worst plays. "Well, heads up, Zee, here's your boytoy, he better make it worthwhile, cause I'm not sure if we have anyone else for the part," Morty muttered to me as the last person stepped onstage, also known as John. "Honestly, he just came for the hell of it. Not his fault that everyone else is god horrible," I whispered back. "Oh, great, that means he doesn't have like any stage experience?"

"Might I remind you that I fell for a handsome, charming, cigarette-smoking, demon hunter, not a freakin' stage actor, Morty," I clarified. I shot John a smile. "Constantine, you can start." 

He started the whole thing. God, he's perfect. Once he finished the first few lines, Morty stopped him.

"Alright, and might we all remind you that this is a more of a musical side of plays, alright? Can you sing and the sort?" Morty asked. So glad I spent so much time writing this...

"You came up with this from scratch?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah. With a little help. I mean, with connections with my family that I have, it wasn't too hard to come up with a bomb soundtrack." John cleared his throat and started. Oh, my God... I had no idea that he could sing...

John finished the section of the song I highlighted— thank god he did— and Mr. Rios applauded him. "Well done, Constantine."

I looked at the two of them and the two of them nodded their heads. "Well... you're on, Constantine."

"You sure he's not a stage actor?" Morty muttered to me. "Pretty sure. I would know if I was dating an actor," I responded. "Did you know that he was a demon hunter?"

"Heard of him before he came. He built a pretty big name for himself in the spiritual world. Hell, my dad and my aunt told me some good ass things about him. Well, before he found out about the... less better parts of him. So, yes, I did know that John was a warlock."

"Alright, well, thank you for coming out."

"Shoot, I got a show in ten minutes. John, you coming?"

"Don't I always?" 

"Great, thanks. Mr. Rios, Morty, thanks for taking the time out to help with auditions, even if it was a complete waste of time. I gotta go, though. My show is actually in ten minutes."

"Thank you, Miss Zatara, thank you."

"Of course, Mr. Rios."

I teleported the two of us to the Lumina Amphitheater where my show was. "Oh, thank God. We thought you weren't gonna come."

"To my own show? Please. I just had a few things to do at school. Sorry about that."

"Quite alright. Just get dressed, you're on in a few." I nodded my head and went into the dressing room. I levitated my stage outfit over, and changed quickly, putting everything in a neat pile, putting my jewelry on my vanity table for later. "Aw," I heard. I walked out, and saw John looking at my mirror. "What?"

"You have a picture of me on your mirror?"

"Guess I do. Forgot about that. I don't drop by the dressing room for long, and besides, its better looking at the real deal," I explained. "I look at that maybe twenty seconds per show before I go on."

"Good luck, Luv," he told me. "Thanks," I responded, pulling him into a brief kiss before heading back out to backstage. "There should be a seat front row, center stage. That one's saved for you." He nodded his head. "Good luck. Not that you'll need it, but good luck. Let's hope a demon doesn't come crashing in."

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