~3~ Meeting With The Miyano's

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"let's start this okay?" -Bev


Natsuki's pov

Its been a couple of months since I turned 5, and a couple months since I started classes too. It's became a normal routine now, wake up, Take a shower, Eat breakfast, Go jogging around the neighbourhood, then go to classes. But today is not the same.... Today I met a girl while I jogged. There was a girl that looks like 2 years younger than me? seemingly.....Lost?

"Hello there!" -Natsuki

"a.. Ah hello" -Girl

"Are you lost?" -Natsuki

"Yes! Can you help me? I'm new to the neighbourhood!" -Girl

"Sure! Ah and your name is..?

" Arigato!! Watashi wa miyano akemi desu! I'm 3 years old"-Akemi

"Nice to meet you akemi my name is Natsuki Kudo. Watashi 5 years old. Yoroshiku" -Natsuki

"Yoroshiku! My address is - - - - - - Natsuki-nee" -Akemi

"oh! It's that sold house! I know where it is follow me!" -Natsuki

While on the way Natsuki thought

"Miyano.... Akemi.... That sounds familiar. Where did I heard it? Wait.....Ehhhh??!! That Miyano Akemi?? SHIHO'S SISTER? But she is only 3..and if I'm correct akemi-chan is 8 years older then shiho and shinichi, THAT MEANS I'M 10 YEARS OLDER!!! HAH! JUST LIKE THAT FANFIC I READED BEFORE" -Natsuki

Natsuki thoughts was cut off when Akemi-chan stayed that its her house

"Ahhh! That's my house nee-chan! Thank you for helping me! Do you want to stay for lunch?" -Akemi offered

"It's my pleasure Akemi-chan" -Natsuki

"Tadaimaaaa!!!" -Akemi

"Okaeri akemi-chan" -Elena (akemi's mother)

"Sorry for the intrusion" -Natsuki

"Oh? Who is your friend here Akemi?" -Elena

"This is Kudo Natsuki Nee-chan, She helped me when I got lost earlier. Natsuki-nee this is my mother!" -Akemi

"Oh! You should be careful next time Akemi, and thank you for helping my daughter Natsuki-chan." -Elena

"It's no problem Mrs. Miyano" -I said while bowing a bit

"oh just call me Elena-San that would be fine. Come on don't just stand there join us for lunch!" -Elena

"Alright Elena-San I'm going to call my mom first to tell her I'm eating lunch at my friend's house" -Natsuki

"Alright" -Elena

After that I called mom to tell her I'm eating here she said okay and don't come home too late. When I'm done I joined akemi and elena-San at the dining room. We talked and ate with her father too, their not quite like the rumors. They are really really nice! They even told me to come again next time, after that day I did my routine and while I'm jogging I would often visit the miyano's household. I am already mastering the martial arts because my past life. Cooking, sewing, acting, and disguise too! I guess it runs in my blood huh? Now I'm 7 years old. I got in elementary school and gotten close to akemi-chan and her family. I'm quite famous too you know~ well I am the daughter of the kudo family. I often go to cases with dad and solve them but of course I'll give the credits to dad, if the news know that a 7 year old had been solving the cases for the police I wonder how will the polices reputation go? Well either way I'm quite famous at school because of the play I acted at schools festival. Mostly it's because of mom's teaching that made me this good, I'm also famous for my perfect grades~ well it's an elementary questions so it's easy of course. By the seem of it the miyano family isn't related to the black organization yet. So now every day while jogging ill visit the miyano's, and at the weekends I will go with akemi to watch sakura tree's. Right now Mom and dad is back to work and left me alone in the house..... Such great parents, well they do know my capabilities and they left me with hakase to be precise. Last year dad bought me a laptop! Atlast, I can continue hacking again. I ussualy go to hakase's house to help him with his invention's so it wouldn't explode....

"Ne hakase?" -Natsuki

"yes Natsu-chan?" -Hakase

"Can I borrow your laboratorium for today?" -Natsuki

"Yeah sure be careful Natsu-chan!" -Hakase

"Arigato Hakase!!!" -Natsuki

I ran to the labaratory and start working on my own inventions. I made some winter gloves that can turn my power 10× more powerful well its like conan's shoes, I made the glasses hakase is going to make in the future too but I made it into reading glasses and lastly power Rollerblades that uses solar power to charge it. I have no idea what I'm going to make so I'm just making those ya know. I also made a belt that's like conan's expanders, just more fashionable. Ahhh I'm done atlast with those inventions. Now I'm going to go back home to eat dinner. I wore the belt, gloves and Rollerblades, while I pocketed the glasses. I bid goodbye to hakase and went back to my house. To be honest these inventions are really useful I got to use this in crime scene's and help the culprit that almost commit suicide. I used it to catch the culprit too~ I got attacked by the culprit once but used the gloves to punch the culprit in the abdomen ahh that was fun. The glasses and belt helped too. It's been 5 years since I started getting classes and I'm already the best at all of them. My parents is already back in the house. I still don't see mom's pregnancy. While I just knew that elena-San is pregnant for 3 months. Ah nevermind..

"kaa-san.... Why did you eats pickles with ice cream last night....." -Natsuki said witha hint of disgust in her voice

"eh.....eum.... I was hungry okay..." -Yukiko

"kaa-san are you.... Pregnant?" -Natsuki


"intuitition...." -Natsuki

"Yah... We can't hide anything from you huh princess" -Yusaku

"I just found out last week" -Yukiko said while chuckling sheepishly

"So are you guys are going to stay here right?" -Natsuki

"Of course we are!!" -Yusaku and Yukiko

After that day I was quite happy to have a little brother that I never had in the past life, and more its the Shinichi kudo. I'm not going to interfere with the plot to much~. I told Akemi about this and we're happy to have a little sibling later.....what she doesn't know is that her family is going to die.....

What will happen? How will their friendship go? Wait for the next chapter~

"Really Lyn?" -Bev

"What~? " -Lyn

"Nothing....." - Bev

"okay then see you next time reader San!!!!!!" -Lyn

Word count : 1127 words

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