~27~ Proposing

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Oh ho? 👀 What do we have here? All of a sudden?


Author's POV
08.35 am

It was a Sunday morning in which you can hear the birds chirping right outside of your window, but a certain brunette was still in bed snoozing the morning away. Too tired from finishing the work she had last night. Of course fate was never on her side, there was the sound of Natsuki's ringtone filling her room. Waking up the poor sapphire eyed woman from her slumber. She groaned and reached for her phone on the night stand and picked it up without even bothering looking at the caller's name.

"Moshi mosh...?" -Natsuki said with her hoarse voice and half lidded eyes.

"Ah! Natsuki! Did I woke you up?" -The caller asked. Natsuki pulled her phone away from her ear to check the caller's name... And as she guessed it was indeed the girl's lover who is calling her right now.

"Well, yes... but, what's up?" -She asked rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes.

"I was wondering if you want to go on a date today? Since it's been a while since we last gone out..." -Shuichi asked

"Sure! When?" -Natsuki answered without hesitation

"Ah! I'll come pick you up at dinner!" -Shuichi said clearly happy

"Okay! See you then~" -The brunette bid goodbye before hanging up and flopped her body back to the warm embrace of her pillow. After she slept for a couple of hours, she woke up at 12.00 pm. When she woke up, she took a shower and went to the kitchen so she can cook lunch. Afterwards she washed the dishes and went to the sofa and watched the tv and played her phone until it was 15.00 pm. She started to get ready and wore this

When she was done it was already around 17

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When she was done it was already around 17.00 pm. It took around 30 minutes for Shuichi to pick her up. Natsuki got in his car and Shuichi started driving.

"Where are we going anyway?" -Natsuki asked

"It's a surprise~" -Shuichi said focusing on the road, grabbing Natsuki's hand and kissing the back of her hand. Natsuki just chuckled and look out of the window, guessing where they're going. They just drove in silence enjoying each other's presence while the music from the radio was playing. After Shuichi parked his car, they got off and he led her to a restaurant on the top floor. They got a table and ordered food. They talked while eating and when they're done Shuichi took her to the rooftop. Natsuki gasped when she saw the rooftop they're at. It was decorated with candles on the floor shaping a heart and Shuichi took a bouquet of roses out of nowhere. Shuichi led her to the middle of the candles.

"Natsuki.... You're the first and last woman I love... The first time we met on the beach, I was captivated by you. Your sapphire blue eyes, your chestnut brown hair, your soft and milky skin... I'm obsessed with your whole being... The day we both confessed our love for each other. The hardship we went through together... And as for that..." -Shuichi said looking at Natsuki in her eyes. Natsuki froze on her place watching her lover kneeling on on foot taking out a box from his coat.

"Natsuki Kudo... Will you marry me?" -Shuichi asked opening the box revealing a simple yet beautiful ring.

Natsuki teared up and answered

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Natsuki teared up and answered.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you!" -Natsuki thanked him. After Shuichi placed the ring on Natsuki's ring Finger she jumped on him, hugging him and kissing him, which he returned passionately. After a couple of minutes they released each others embrace, the both of them looking at each other with bright smiles on their faces.

"So? When do you want the engagement party?" -Shuichi asked his soon to be wife.

"Hmm~ Maybe in a couple of weeks? 2 more weeks maybe? We could arrange it easily..." -Natsuki suggested

"Sounds good to me!" -Shuichi answered. After that they drove home and slept in each others arms.


I am truly sorry if this chapter is really short! I'm feeling a bit better though.... I hope all of you is healthy! 

Author-chan out!

Word count : 708 words

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