~24~ The Uptight Party

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Hey besties! This is a chapter because I juts came back from hiatus~ enjoy~


Natsuki's POV

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Urgh......" I groaned reaching for my phone to pick up the call. It's currently 9 am and i pulled an all nighter to finish up reports and the rest of my paperwork just so i can rest today.

'Eh? Yumi-chan?' -I thought looking at my screen before picking up the call

"Moshi mosh?" -I said to the phone while rubbing my eyes and getting out of bed

"Ah! Natsuki-chan! Would you like to go with me and Miwako at dinner?" -Yumi asked

"Hm~? Yeah~ Sure...." -I answered accepting the offer

"Yay!!! Thanks~ I'll meet you at the police headquarters at 5 pm!" -Yumi informed me

"Eh? BU-" -I said only to be cut of by the beeping sound signaling that the call had ended

"Gee.... Did she forget that im not even and officer there? Even if i am there often until most of the officers know me that doesn't mean i work there" -I complained 

I got up and took a shower. Once i was done i wore a white button up shirt with a collar and black sweatpants, topping it off with a beige sweater. I went down to my kitchen but i was too tired to cook anything so i decided on going out to a cafe for breakfast. I went out of the house bringing my bag with me (minus the guns but still brought a tazer and pocket knife) and rode my motorcycle. I drove to the cafe i found the other day, the food there was delicious. After eating i just drove around town stopping for lunch and then continue until it was 4.36 pm. 

'Looks like i can start heading to the Headquarter now' -I thought while driving. After 20 minutes of constant driving i arrived and parked my motorcycle. I took off my helmet and walked in the headquarter, i went to the receptionist.

"Oh! Hey Natsuki-san! What are you doing here? Did you get involved in a case again?" -The receptionist asked

"Hey! And thankfully, no. Im waiting for a friend~" -I said

"Natsuki!!!" -Yumi's voice could be heard

"Speak of the devil...." -I mumbled, the receptionist chuckled

"Hey Yumi!!" -I called back before being engulfed in a bone crushing hug from the one and only Yumi.

"It's been so long since i last see you!!!" -Yumi said

"Yumi....We met last week..." -I reminded her

"But it felt so long~" -Yumi whined hugging me more tight

"Yumi, i think you should let go o her now...... She's turning blue" -Miwako said

"Oh yeah!" -Yumi let me go and i gasped for the much needed air.

"Tha... thank you Miwako" -I thanked her

"Hahahahaha" -She just laughed while Yumi was sulking

"Well come on!! We better get going!!" -Yumi said getting her excitement back

"Okay~ Okay~" -Miwako said following Yumi that's dragging me to the parking lot

Time skip brought to you by Takagi getting jealous~

"Oi oi oi!!! You didn't say anything about blind date's..... YUMI!!!" -I yelled panicking a bit

"Don't worry~ It's just so the number is equal" -Yumi said shrugging while taking a seat. She immediately drank some beer and her face is already turning red.... Oh great... just great...

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