~22~ Rotten Apple

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OH . MY . GOD . HOW????? JUST HOW? 5.67K READERS?????? JUST........ WOW.... IM AT LOST OF WORDS........ Thank you soo much! im really happy that i got this much support! and im sorry for not updating often.... so.... I'LL MAKE SURE TO UPDATE LOTS!! THANK YOU! ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!


Natsuki's pov


"ughh" -I groaned reaching for the alarm on the night stand beside my bed, I opened my eyes a bit seeing that it's 6 am. I sat on the edge of my bed yawning while stretching my limbs trying to be fully awake, key word - trying. I sat there staring blankly at the air blinking a couple times before finally gripping on to my soul and decided to start the day with a warm bath, I went to the bathroom grabbing my clothes and took a quick and warm bath. I went out of the bathroom refreshed wearing a white blouse with black shorts and leggings, I walked to my vanity taking a hair brush deciding what should i do with my hair today. I ended up tying my hair into a high ponytail letting my caramel brown bangs frame my face, after im done i took my phone and went down to the kitchen. Making eggs and toast for breakfast alongside with some black coffee, i went out to take the mails before eating. Walking to the mailbox I took out some mails and a news paper, I went inside my house thinking I should eat my breakfast first, so I did! After I ate I sat down on the couch turning on the news while looking trough the mails until I found two odd letters. One was addresses to Shin-chan and one was addressed to me, I left the letter that was for Shin-chan at the coffee table and looked to the letter addressed for me. I opened it and took the paper inside, I read it for a while before remembering this episode...... The letter was from vermouth and it was an invitation to a late halloween party on a boat.

"....." -I stared blankly at the paper

"Should I get ready?" -I mumbled

"I think I should..... I'll just text shinichi to grab the mails since he's at hakase's" -I said to myself while walking back to my room with my phone and the letter, while walking I texted shinichi to get his letter's along with dad's fan mail to sort it out. For now i grabbed a bullet proof vest, hand gun, and my sniper for later tonight. I heard the door open so I'm assuming that's shinichi getting the mails.

"*sigh*..... Shinichi is now reading the mail~ and shiho is freaking out~ and somewhat I don't know when he will make shiho sleep~ and..... Oh yea.. Mom is going to get here too... Am I forgetting someone? Eum..... WAIT!!!! Aghh, its Heiji" -I said to no one

I don't have anything to do.... Maybe I should just take a quick nap since there's nothing I can do~

Time skip to after the nap brought to you by me writing this at 2 am

"haahhhh" -I yawned while slowly fluttering my eyes open, I stretched my arms out and checked my phone.

"it's 4 pm....." -I mumbled

'there's a text from shinichi and Shu....' -I thought as I opened shinichi's text first

Nee-san, there's something we need to talk about. Meet me at hakase's house

Okay~ be there in 5 minutes

Shinichi must already be planning things out, since the text was sent 5 minutes ago.... Well then now on to Shuichi's text

Natsu-chan we have something to do tonight, Jodie already sent the information to you. I'll meet you at the location.

Hai! Hai! Wakarimasu! I'll be there just before jodie comes~

After that I closed my phone and went to change my clothes. I wore a white shirt and black leather jacket and pants, oh how these are my favourite clothes~ and of course this is a bulletproof jacket and I wore a vest underneath too. I placed a hand gun on my thigh holster while I putted my disabled sniper in a black backpack. I went down to find shinichi, kaa-san, and heiji talking in the library. I walked up to them, they didn't notice me so i decided to announce my own existence.

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