~15~ Kaito Kid

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On too the story~ oh and the heist here isn't real okay i cant remember it so i just made  new one


Natsuki's pov

Im hanging out in the mouri's agency.. again... But today is different okay!!!! Today I came here bacause a message from kid has arrived. He was about to perform a heist! Now now I came to the heist before .. But its not his but his father's and today I'm going with the others! and plus! I want to see how Kaito is... Since Toichi sensei had 'died' 7 till 10 years ago.. But I know that he faked his death, well to be more exact I busted him and Chikage oba-san for being the phantom thief and phantom lady... When I was 7.. I know I know he has been hiding from snake but now Kaito had just found out that his father was Kaito Kid and now he is the new Kaito Kid. This is his first heist!!!

"Come on Natsuki-nee! we will be late!" -Ran

"Okay!" -Natsuki

Oh! we're leaving~ I already told Shu that i wouldn't be at my house today, and he said okay. Kaito sent a riddle to Nakamori-keibu but was solved by conan. The jewel he's targeting is 'The dark night', the name fits it well because the color is blackish blue. It's located in the Suzuki's possession so we are currently going to one of the Suzuki's museum. In the riddle he said that the heist will be perfectly at midnight when the clock strikes 12 am. We arrived and waited while i saw an officer being a little out of the usual so i knew right away that its Kaito in disguise. I excused myself from Kogoro, Ran, Conan, and Sonoko to go to the bathroom. That was just an excuse though.. I went up to the roof and waited until midnight. Because its still her first heist then Conan-kun wouldn't know that he goes to the roof for escape. I waited for a few minutes until there was a sound of foot steps and the sound of the door being opened. There it was, the phantom thief holding the jewel and checking it under the moonlight. He didn't noticed my presence until i spoke up.

"Your father must be proud Kaito....." - I can clearly see his poker face broken for a second but then quickly fix it

"What are you doing here late at night Ojousan? and Kaito? who is that?" -Kaito

"Don't play dumb with me Kaito. Don't tell me you forgot me? Well it has been 10 years so i understand it" -I mumbled the last one barely hearable but Kaito heard it

"Have we met before?" -Kaito

"Oh of course Kaito-kun! you were so little back then. I usually babysit you when your parents came to visit!" -I spoke cheerfully

"Y..you know my parents??!!" -Kaito spoke losing his poker face

"Why of course. If you don't remember me then my name is Kudo Natsuki!" -Natsuki

"Eh...... EEHHHH??!! Natsuki onee-chan???!" -Kaito

"That's me! and you should get going and give the jewel to me. Its not what your looking for right? Plus soon there will be somebody barging here~" -I said while opening my hand signaling to hand over the jewel

"A.... ah, yes. Then we shall meet again Nee-san" -Kaito said before kissing my hand and left

"Still a gentlemen as ever huh?" -Natsuki

The door slammed open to reveal Nakamori, Conan, and other police officer's breathing heavily because of the long stairs

"K...KUSO KAITO KID!!!!!!!" -Nakamori keibu yelled

"E...eh Natsuki-nee? what are you doing here?" -Conan asked

"Oh? i saw Kid ran while i was going back from the toilet so i chased him. But unfortunately when i arrived he was already ready to escape and he gave me the jewel back." -I said showing the jewel in my hand. I gave the jewel to Nakamori-keibu then heads towards the door

"I'll be going home now! It's late already, and Conan-kun you too! Seeing Ran-chan isn't here that means you sneaked away. Come on! she will be worried" I yelled while going to the stairs. Conan just nodded and followed behind me.

"Conan-kun!!! where we're you?!" -Ran asked the second we appeared to her sight

"Oh..Uhm... i was with Nakamori-keibu to chase Kid" -Conan

"Don't worry Ran-chan! He was with me too!" -I said reassuring Ran

"Demo..." -Ran said but was cutted of by Kogoro

"Let's go back Ran" -Kogoro said while yawning

"Oh i should go back too! See you tomorrow!" -i said turning around to the parking lot

"See you!!" -Ran and Conan said while Kogoro just yawn again

I went to my car and start the engine. I received a call from.... James? hah.. he want me to help on a mission don't he?

"Hello?" -Natsuki

"Ah Natsuki-san! Tomorrow can you go to headquarters to help us on a mission?" -James

"...Fine......sigh" -Natsuki

"Then i'll see you tomorrow!" -James

"Yes yes" -After that i hung up the call and drove back to my apartment.(Shu and Natsuki's apartment is different ok but Shu often visits and same with the other way arround) I parked my car and went up to my room. I took a quick shower and wore a bath robe, Sitting down at my desk i opened my laptop and did a quick research about the bo's recent activity... I have my way's of getting information okay~ including hacking to the PSB's files and going into the CIA's folders of course i could look it up at the FBI's recent information on them but yeah.... this is way more fun!

"Oh? I guess Bourbon is starting to be rather active~" -I said in a sing song tone

'Should i look into the pill Vermouth gave me first? i should!'

I took out the pill and grabbed some of the tools i have. That night i searched the components of the pill and found every exact ingredients. In short i have the file about APTX 4869 and succeded in making the antidote~ I grabbed a test subject *rat* and putted it in the cage. I gave it the copy of APTX 4869 that i made and it shrunk in about 2 till 3 hours. Then the Antidote....... IT WORKED! AHA! im a genius! Maybe i should make a bottle and keep it. Oh and the temporary antidote too! I made one that would last for 2 till 4 days and one that's just for 9 till 12 hours. I made a bottle each and kept it in the safe where i store my guns. Its 3 am so i still have 5 more hours to sleep. I closed my computer, Tidied up my tools, Made sure the safe is locked then flop myself to bed and slept.


Oh? What will happen tomorrow~

Await the next chapter


word count : 1117 words

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