~20~ P&A

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Today me and the kids with Hakase are going to the Show Paul & Annie. I came with my own car and met them in the building. They are quite famous and also this means that James and Shu will appear!!! After the Show ended we walked out, the kids are talking about it nonstop.

"Wow that was super cool!" -Genta

"And the animal's were so cute!!" -Ayumi

"I like the part with Leon, the white lion the best!" -Mistsuhiko

"But it seems like 'somebody' was rather bored from it" -Haibara said sarcastically

"What can i do? I went to their show all over the world" -I said shrugging and showing the keychain i had. Conan and Haibara just deadpanned, and im giving you a heads up that almost everybody i know, know's that i worked for the FBI

"I never knew you really like these Natsu-chan" -Hakase said

"Ah, no. Me and my boyfriend was dragged to the show by my boss...." -I said as Hakase, Ai, and Conan sweat dropped

"Eh?? Natsuki nee-chan has a boyfriend???" -Ayumi asked

"Hontoni??!!" -Mitsuhiko and Genta said

"Really is it that surprising that i have a boyfriend?" I said

"We just didn't thought that you have a boyfriend since most of your time your either with Hakase or Ran-nee-chan" -Mitsuhiko said while the two others nodded

"Well let's just say we divided time properly since we're both equally busy" -I shrugged

"Eh?" -Genta said

"What wrong Genta?" -Conan asked genta

"Who is that old geezer?" -Genta continued

"Isn't that Rendy???" -Mitsuhiko asked

"Who is he?" -Ayumi

"Randy Hawk is a sponsor for this Animal show!" -Hakase said

"pfftt..... HAHAHAHAHA!!! i knew it!! hah now he owe's me money from that bet!" -I said

"Eh?" -The 3 kids said

"You know him Onee-chan?" -Conan asked

"Isn't he Randy?" -Ai asked

"Ahh!! sorry to disappoint you but that's not Randy" -I said wiping my tears from laughing

"Then who is he?" -Hakase asked

"He's the boss I told you about~ he looks like randy so I betted with him that he would be surrounded by reporters just because he looks like him~" -Natsuki

I walked towards the group of reporters with Conan who understood what i meant

"Hawk-san may i have a word?" -A female reporter asked

"Y...your wrong! Im not Hawks-san" -James stuttered

"Your joking again!!" -The reporter said

"Im afraid he isn't Hawks-san" -I said near the group

"Ah!! Kudo-san!" -A reporter said

"Yes, But me and uncle Thomas here have to go now" -I said

"He isn't Hawks-san?" -They asked

"Hey lets go uncle Thomas!" -Ayumi said 

"You promised to treat us lunch remember?" -Mitsuhiko said as the others just pulled him away from the reporters

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