~14~ Hondou Eisuke

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3rd Person pov

Today Ran and Sonoko was presented with a new classmate, His name is Hondou Eisuke. Ran and Sonoko invited him to the mouri's agency to visit Kogoro. He said that he would go change clothes first, When Conan,Ran, and Sonoko came back to the agency there was Natsuki in the kitchen making some cake for them but when they came in Kogoro was acting weird and saying about wanting Ran's handmade coffee or else he can't think properly..... He looked up just to see Ran and Sonoko's worried face and conan just walked in

"Daijobu oji-sama?" -Sonoko said with a disgusted face

"Are you suspecting someone?" -Ran said worried

"EHHHHH???!!!! What's this? Why is this girl!!?!?!" -Kogoro

Sonoko was clearly annoyed but Ran held her back

"The friend i told you will come here in a bit" -Ran

"So that friend is coming to see oji-san?" -Conan


"Hmph i didn't plan on making a huge introduction!" -Kogoro

"But~ Are you afraid of falling for a High school boy?" -Sonoko said teasingly


Conan stiffen at what Kogoro said

"What do you mean? i said a boy!! A boy!!"-Ran

"HUH you describe it like it's a girl" -Kogoro

Sonoko snickered while Conan was shocked. Natsukki was at the kitchen wearing headphones while making the cake. All along Conan was yelling at Kogoro to not meet him but he didn't listen anyways. When there was a knock Conan was terrified. Somebody has tripped, the sertain somebody happens to be the new classmate of Ran and Sonoko. His glasses fell of and he couldn't see. He apollogized and thought that Conan was Kogoro, He introduced himself while kneeling infront of conan until ran told eisuke that conan is boy that's living with them.

Natsuki pov

I was making cake with my earphone's on. When i had finished the cake i went outside bringing the cake along with me but i see a boy whom i recognize as Hondou Eisuke.

"Hey i made cake! oh? who do we have here?" -I asked

"Ah!! Natsuki-nee! The cake looks delicious!!" -Sonoko

"Natsuki nee-chan! This is Hondou Eisuke my new classmate! Eisuke this is Natsuki Kudo! Shinichi's big sister!" -Ran

"Hello! you can call me Natsuki-nee or nee-chan would work!" -I said cheerfully

"A- ah! yes im Hondou Eisuke nice to meet you" -Eisuke

After that yaya Eisuke hitted Conan with his head while bowing to Kogoro jii-san then he fell back and hit the cup board and a box that was on top of it fell to his head. But really poor him he is so clumsy, but then a client named Mitsumi Atsushi. I served the cake i made while Ran made coffee. The client here seems to be searching for his girlfriend.

"We are already living together but when i woke up she wasn't there maybe because last night's arguement...." -Atsushi-san said well even though i already know what happened and who's the murderer...

After that we went to the first place they met, Gunma... Sonoko said she'll take the bus and we went to Gunma using Atsushi's second car. When we arrived we saw Atsushi's car covered in snow, Atsushi quickly went to it and wiped off the snow in the diver's window just to see the door taped from the inside and an oven inside. The girlfriend is unconcious inside, the other's got out of the car while i just stayed in it. I saw eisuke calling the police while atsushi got a baseball bat and breaked the front window. Not long after the police came and it is... Yamamura..... just why? well good thing there's still Shin-chan~ He got caught by the forensic guy but he came back again... After a few minutes Kogoro oji-san passed out because of Shin-chan's transquilizer. Shin-chan deduced who i the murderer as nemorino kogoro, Atsushi-san was caught an we went home. I sat in the passenger seat while the other's are in the back seat. When we got home i decided to go straight back to my.. i mean Shu's apartment. I already told him that i would make him dinner.. Oh well or should i just teach him how to cook already? and disguise too? Should i? i thought while walking to Shu's apartment, when i arrive i went in because i have the spare key.

"Shuuuu~ im back!" -I said as i went to the kitchen

"Welcome back!" -Shu said as he got out from his room

"So how's your day?" -He asked while hugging me from the back

"uhm... Great! oh and shu i found something interesting today!" -I said while turning to meet his eyes

"And that is?" -He said softly and curiously

"I found a new kid that just transfered to my brother's school, and guess what?  first he's looking for his sister. Second he looks exactly like Kir! Third his name is Hondou Eisuke 17 years old" -I said like a child getting A+ in an exam

"Oh? This will be interesting wont it?" -Shu said before pecking my lips

(I know that this is too cruel for me and you all who is reading this. You're reading this? I'm guessing your single. Me? Me too.... Me too...)

"Of course it will, and I told you that you would look more handsome when you cut your hair~ ah! And do you want to learn how to cook and disguise yourself? I'll just teach you the basic's~" -I said with hope in my eyes

"Wait... So you were serious about that?" -Shu

"Of course I'm serious dummy!" -I said while grinning from ear to ear

I can see Shuichi gulped and sweating. He knows that when he learns with me he will never get of the hook until he could do what I taught him. He just nodded and I start off by teaching him how to cook without setting the kitchen on fire. He..... Did okay, but it resulted with burnt egg rolls and what looks like an attempt to flambé but failed miserably. Well that was already progress so for now we continued on disguise. I start off with introducing him to makeup tools and things. He.. Suspiciously picked it up fast..... When we were done it was already midnight so we decided to sleep. And yeah we sleep together okay~ we were on a hugging position where my head is leaning on his chest while his head is above mine. (I know you can imagine it) We went to our peaceful slumber and rest especially for me who were out to Gunma today.


Okay okay first up I'm super duper sorry because the few latest chapters is short Im just having writers block... But don't worry I will never ever ever abandon this book. I'm still waiting for the movie scarlet bullet to release in April T_T why corona whyyy can't you show up after Conan was released last year???!!! Okay okay and I'm sorry too because I'm torturing my self and you too... I know we're single.. We fell in love with a fictional character we find interest in them but not real life boys~ we can only imagine and hope that when we die in the future we would be reincarnated as a girl in DC world 10 years older than Shin-chan so our age gap with Shu isn't that far

Okay this a/n is so long.... goodbye and wait for the next chapter

Word count : 1286 words

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