chapter 5

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*clays pov*

"Why were you crying?" I gulp. I had been waiting for that question and I should've thought up an answer but the way george (I think that's his name) was speaking to me, so calm and caring even though I wasn't  too nice to him earlier made my heart flutter. I love the way he laughed at my face when he told me he was colourblind, I loved the way he made me feel happy, it was as if his presence was what made me so happy. He looked at me concerned, "clay?" I snapped back to reality and realised I had spaced out again, "oh uh yeah sorry um" I started playing with my fingers and the looses thread on my robe to keep me calm. I didn't want to tell george, he'd probably leave me and hate me, "oh uh I was just a bit stressed and wanted to be away from everyone" george raised an eyebrow, "clay we both know that isn't the case" I sigh ,what do I do?, I decide to tell half the truth, "well I have this secret that i don't want to tell anyone otherwise they will hate me and leave me so I'm all  alone again and I will have no one," I spill out and lean my head back and take deep breaths. "Have you done something that could upset them?" George asks. I stop and lean forward again and say "n-no" I feel my eyes watering again, why did I have to be such a baby? "Well why would they leave you if you haven't done anything?" I peer at the slowly setting sun and barely whisper, "they wouldn't accept me" "accept you wh--" " I didn't mean that!" I said now a wear that saying that sentence could risk giving the game away, so I rephrase the sentence, "they wouldn't like it or they would find it weird." I look at george trying to read his face on whether he believed it or not, I couldnt have him leave me...

*George pov*

,accept him? what does that mean?, I looked at clay, I was running out of ideas. "does anyone know this secret?" I ask softly, this obviously is a touchy subject for clay, "only professor Craft" "and what did he say?" clay continues to pick at the hem of his robe, I don't want to push him too far, "he said that if they were real friends then they would be ok with it" I nod and put a hand on his shoulder, he's really cold. "see! if the headmaster aka the most powerful wizard ever says it will be fine, then I'm sure it will be!" I wait for any kind of response from him, hopefully that helped. after a while he sighed, "I guess your right, ill think about it," I beam."see! thats better!" he turns and looks at me in the eyes and slightly smiles, "thanks George, no one I know would be anywhere near as understanding as you are, you seem like a great guy." I blush  a bit, luckily its getting dark so hopefully he didn't see, "if you don't mind, then maybe we could hang out?" my smile widens, I'm so happy right now.  "that would be great! you seem much nicer than I first thought ill be honest." he laughs quietly, "yeah I am". we both look away from each other and stare at the stars that are slowly lighting up the sky, its so beautiful up here, he looks so beautiful up here it all feels like a dream. clay starts to yawn "we better head back now." I hide my disappointment as we clamber back over to the hatch. we crawl down it and close the door, recovering it so it stayed secret. in silence we walk down the halls until I reach my common room. "this is my stop" I say turning to the door, "thanks again" he mumbles almost sadly, "no problem, I'm always here to listen" "same time tomorrow?" he asks. I almost say yes but remember my detention, "I'm sorry I have a detention tomorrow" he suddenly looks as if he remembered something, "oh wait I do too" we both laugh. "I guess ill see you around?" I say, "yeah should do, goodnight" he waves as he starts walking away, "goodnight" I wave back and open the door to Ravenclaw common room and step inside, gently closing the door behind me, ready to sleep.

[I know its a lot of pov switch I just want to give you guys a lengthy chapter :)]

*clay pov*

once I waved George away my butterflies started to settle, how could someone be so perfect and so kind and understanding even though I only just met them? I practically skipped to the common room because I felt so complete and lighter now I had spoken to someone about the thoughts and anxieties that plagued my head for so long, well kinda. I felt so warm and fuzzy? appreciated? relaxed? I couldn't describe this new feeling but a familiar feeling replaced it when I arrived, hunger. I just remembered that me and George skipped dinner and I was starving, I'm sure he was too, and I wouldn't be able to eat until ten hours later. I open the door and slip inside quietly. its not late but I don't want to draw attention to myself. I creep up the stairs quietly and head to the boys bedrooms. I open the door and see all of my friends sat on their beds talking. as I close the door they all turn to me. "Where the f*ck did you go clay?!" Shouts Luke, "we thought you ran off or some stupid sh*t!" I bit my lip, trying to think of an excuse but none came to aid, "well?" Says Schlatt. "I-i well I did go to Phils office and then I went on a walk" I look at each of them, all confused concerned or angry, then I saw Wilbur sniggering at me, I give him a look knowing what he will say, "well" he says, all eyes on him now, "little clay boy here likes to go on walks in the morning too, only today he snuck out and I caught him he said he was going on a 'walk'" he mimed inverted commas on the 'walk'. I sigh. This was gonna be difficult. "If you ask me, clay here is seeing some one, meeting with someone, the only thing is. I don't know who" all the expressions change to smirks. "No it's not that" I snap bitterly, but my sudden annoyance seems to amuse them. "What if.." Alex says, "he's got a girl he won't tell us about" they laugh, "trueeeee" "no NO not true" I say now turning red, not from embarrassment but from anger, "he's going red!" Wilbur points out, I sigh now deeply annoyed, "yeah because your all starting to p*ss me off!" I slightly shout. They stop laughing and turn to me, Luke chimes in "yeah guys you are pushing this a bit, to be honest, this would be the reason Clay wouldn't tell us IF he got with someone," they all look put out and ashamed, "true" Alex mumbles, "it's ok I see how suspicious ive been acting lately but it's just stress, I need to clear my head sometimes," wilbur comes over to me, " sorry man, I did take it a bit to far" he holds out his hand, "it's cool, really," before I shake it he says, "what's her name?" I slap his hand playfully and roll my eyes, "ok ok!" He holds up his hands and walks back to his bed.

After I went to the bathrooms and brushed my teeth, I changed into my pjs and lept onto my bed, exhausted. I got comfortable and turned to the window and stared into the starry abyss thinking about george. I couldn't help it. He lived in my head rent free. I yawned and closed my eyes, giving in to the darkness. 

WOOOOO tHiCk chapter! I actually like this one :3 

It's been quite chill but that's gonna change! 

Again I hope you enjoyed this chapter and maybe a vote? Maybe? ? 

Anywaysssss imma start writing the next chapter so hopefully it'll come out soon!

I have no schedule I just write when I feel motivated so sorry if it's a bit all over the place!

Stay safe and love yall :]

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