chapter 13

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TW: more homophobia (sorry! I will do another summary of this chapter at the bottom :)     Also a slight panick attack so read with caution if you need too.

Love you all! 

*clays pov* 

I sit nervously at breakfast. It's been two days since I sent my letter coming out. My parents still haven't replied. George still didn't have his either. He was nervous, but I was f*cking terrified. I start to think about every scenario as I stare out of the window not touching my food. I feel a hand on my knee, which stops my subconscious leg bounces, "hey clay, chill out it'll be fine" Alex says. I look at him and faintly smile, "I doubt it", Alex sighs, "hey man, even if it isn't" he motions towards my friends eating, "you've got us you know," I nod, "I know, you guys have been better than my parents have ever been," I laugh sadly, "you can trust us man, we've got your back and anyways if things went wrong george wouldn't stop loving you," I look over to him on the ravenclaw table, he meets my gaze and gives me a small smile, "true, true" I finally take a bite out of my buttered toast. Suddenly, dozens of owls fly into the great hall. The hall is filled with flapping and feathers as owls find their owners and drop their post onto their plates. I turn to George's table as a letter falls onto his lap. He looks up at me and nods, signalling that it's from his parents. I start biting the inside of my cheek as I taste the familiar metallic taste of blood.  I wait. Up above I spot my owl spirit and she flies over and drops a letter. I catch it and read the handwriting, it's from my parents. I can tell from mothers swirly writing. I turn back to george and nod aswell. He smiles encouragingly. I smile with false confidence back. 

I peel open letter and take out a small sheet of parchment and unfold it. Here goes nothing,

Dear clay

We cannot describe the disappointment we felt when we read your letter. The way you have treated us is truly unfair. We have raised you well and yet you choose to throw it all away by taking part in something so against us and disappointing. We don't know what influence you are under but you can't like the same gender. It's all made up and is a mockery of straight couples. I hope you realise that this 'being gay' isn't a joke but just in case, you shall not be returning home for Christmas and you shall stay at hogwarts as we do not which to see you until you have realised your disobedience. We are truly disappointed and disgusted in you. 

Yours truly 

Mother and father

Btw that letter was all fiction and all love is valid as I myself am bi questioning. I hope that wasn't to hard to read. Love you all so much <3

I felt the tears slip down my cheeks as more continue to fill my eyes. Your such a disappointment clay, you shall not return for Christmas. I feel a lump building in my throat. "Clay?" Wilbur asks softly, "are you ok?" I nod and quickly step over the bench and walk quickly to the hall exit. The noise was too much. Too many people. Too much disappointment. My breath hitches in my throat and I start to feel myself shake. My mind clouds with my parents voices and how they hate me, they don't love me anymore. They are so loud. I can't hear anything as I slam the door and head to the common room. In the distance I hear the door slam again, but I'm in such a state i can just about make it out. I run to the common room door and almost stumble inside because of my shaking legs. I almost collapse with exhaustion next to the fire and the couches. I pull my knees up to my chest and cry. I feel like such a baby. My body continues to shake slightly as patches wonders over in concern. I can't feel her soft fur against my arm, I'm too busy thinking. Disappointment, disappointed, hate you, disgusted in you, disapointed, "clay!" I feel a pair of hands lift my head up, it's nick. "Hey buddy, deep breaths ok? In and out" I try to copy through my shakey breaths and eventually the panic slows. The sadness doesn't. Once he sees I'm calmer, nick embraces me. I cry into his shoulder. After a while another pair of hands embraces me. It's george. He rubs circles into my back like he did in the room of requirement. Slowly but surely, I stop my sobs and wipe away my tears. "Can I see the letter?" George softly asks, I nod and hand him the crumpled letter. I see his expression change as he reads. Shock to anger and sadness. George passes the letter too nick and he goes through the same process. "I'm sorry I'm such a baby, I overreacted, what did yours say george?" I ask, my voice still a bit raw. "They were supportive and you weren't a baby what they said to you was horrible, I can't believe they are making you stay here for Christmas!" I look at his angry face and can't help but smile, "you look cute when your angry" he rolls his eyes, "oh there's the clay we know," "god you love birds" nick says rolling his eyes too, george flicks him on the forehead  "ow what the hell!?" Nick whines. I let out a small laugh, "anyways, don't worry about being a baby at all I mean look at nick crying over a flick on the forehead!" Nick glares at him, "I'm not crying" I let patches crawl onto my lap and start to stoke her gently, "awwww is that your cat?" George says, "yeah she's called patches" "hello patches" he says getting to eye level with her. She mews. I sigh again. "I really don't want to do lessons today," nick looks at me with a glint in his eye, "wanna skip with me?" He says, George looks disapprovingly at him, "no nick you can't skip lessons sorry" i laugh, "come on Georgie skip with us pleaseee i will feel so much better," I fake pout, he growls slightly, "fine, but just this once" I punch the air, as we decide how to spend our free day.

After hours of running through halls, messing with first years and much more crazy sh*t, me and George climb up too the roof once nick left to go see Karl and Alex. "Do you know I've been thinking" he says, "about what?" I place my arm around him and pull him close to me, "well, as you will be here for Christmas, what if I stay and have it with you?" He'd do that for me? "Wait really?" He nods, "yeah, I mean I don't mind it's just one year, it would be fun we could even see if nick could stay" i consider this, "are you 100% sure george?" He sighs, "yes clay! I will write too my parents tonight saying that I'm staying here with you! They really wouldn't mind, trust me," I plant a kiss on his forehead, "I would love that Georgie". We sit and what as the sun sinks into the horizon and the stars fill the sky. Butterflies swarm in my stomach at the thought of spending Christmas with someone who really loves me. 

I lay in my bed still thinking about Christmas and george. How did I deserve someone so perfect? 

Christmas in march? Ahaha why not. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry it was a bit more dramatic!

If you could read this well because of the TW then here is a smol summary:

Clay gets his letter back from his parents about him coming out. They aren't supportive and the make clay stay at hogwarts for Christmas. Clay gets upset and panicked so he leave the hall. He goes to the common room in which george and nick calm him down and decide to skip school for the whole day. George's parents are supportive btw. George then suggest that he stays with clay for Christmas as well as nick. George decides to write too his parents that day to tell them. Nick still is to ask. 

I hope that was  good enough summary! 

Stay hydrated and safe! Grab a snack and take a break.

Love yall <<<33333

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