chapter 8

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50 reads wtf tysssssm! <33333

TW!! slight mention of blood in the beginning!

*georges pov*

I groggily open my eyes. What happened? Are we safe? Am I dead? I rub my eyes and sit up. "George!"I hear someone say. I run around and see clay sat in a chair with bloody scratches down his face and a few dotted around on his arms. he also had a few leaves sticking out of his hair. "w-what happened?" I look around and recognise where I was, the hospital wing. "well, we were running and then you tripped and a dementor started sucking out your soul or some creepy sh*t and then I came and expecto patronumed that b*tch away. then I checked if you were ok and called for Hagrid who carried you back," he smiles, "so your welcome for saving your ass" I roll my eyes and before I respond, madame Pomfrey walks up to my bed holding what looked like a chocolate bar, "ah George your awake, now just eat this to get all of your strength back and then you are free to leave," she hands me a Cadbury's dairy milk bar, "how does Cadbury's help?" clay peers over my shoulder, "I don't know, but that doesn't look like wizard chocolate" I laugh, "you've never had Cadbury's chocolate?" he shakes his head, "I'm pure blood, we don't have that" "oh yeah well this is what a lot of muggles eat, it a brand of chocolate." "oh" he looks longingly at the bar, "do you want to try some?" I ask grinning, he perks up like a dog thats been offered a treat, "really?" "yeah go ahead!" I break him off a square and take a bite myself. wow that chocolate really did help, I think as a rush of energy rushes through my body. I look over to clay and can't help but giggle at him cautiously put the square in his mouth. his eyes widen and lets out a satisfied "mmmmm" I laugh, "is it good?" he nods, "heck yeah, how do wizards not have this stuff!" I pass him another square and then finish the rest. "I have some bigger bars in my dorm, my parents always send me some, so do you want one?" "wait really?" I nod, "it'll be my way of saying thank you for saving my butt," I notice his cheeks have darkened slightly with blush, "thanks George but I was joking you don't have too," I shake my head and pull off the duvet and swing my legs off the bed, "your right, but I want too whether you were joking or not" I stand up and pull him up, leading him to my dorm. "georgeeeeee I can walk on my own" he smiles, "I know you are just too slow,". we arrive outside my common room and step inside, "wait here a sec" he nods and leans up against the wall. I run up the stairs and rummage under my bed. I grab my case and unclip it. I lift up some clothes and find two bars and one half eaten one. I quickly grab the half eaten one and take a bite, I place it down and grab a whole one. I close the case and run back down to clay. I open the door and step out. clay steps off the wall. "here!" I hand him the bar. he looks at it and slowly takes it, "are you sure?" I shrug "yeah I have loads more," he smiles, "thanks" he puts it in his pocket and then says, "we better head to supper, I was starving yesterday," my stomach growls, "yeah true". we head towards the hall in silence as the golden glow from the sun filters through the corridor. before we enter the hall I stop him, "you have leaves in your hair," he looks at me confused, "I do?" "yeah, do you want me to get them for you?" he blushes again, "o-oh yeah sure" he leans forward slightly and I pull the leaves out of his soft hair, "there all gone," he straightens up (how ironic lol) and mumbles a thank you. I swing open the door and walk over to my table and clay walks over to his table. "how was detention?" Zak asks, "oh apart from nearly getting my soul sucked out of me by a dementor, it was ok!" I look around at my friends faces. all of them have their mouths open, "for real?" I nod, "geez man you ok now?" sam asks, "yeah yeah I'm ok now just had some chocolate and I was fine,". I start to eat and cant help but look at clay who is handing out some of his chocolate to his friends. he looks up and smiles at me but then returns too his meal. I return to mine and blush. what was he doing to me?

*clays pov*

I walk to my table hoping my friends won't notice my blush. George was so, so perfect. he was so kind and thoughtful, I didn't deserve him. I sit down and start piling some food onto my plate. "woah Clay what happened to you?" Alex asks, "what do you mean?" I ask, worried they are talking about my blushing, "you have bunch of scratches like, all over your face and arms" Minx says, "oh uh I didn't notice but I think its from when we were chased by a dementor in the forbidden forrest," some of their eyes widen, "holy sh*t dude you ok now?" "oh yeah they don't really hurt, George had it worst though," Wilbur looks confused, "is George that Ravenclaw that you walked in with?" I nod, "oh, what happened to him?" I bite my cheek remembering running in the woods and George not being behind me, "the dementors got to him and he had to go to the hospital wing for a bit," schlatt scoffed, "wimp" I looked at him, "you'd probably sh*t your pants if you were there," "alright pissbaby" I glared at him and flipped him off, "I didn't want to share this anyways" I say pulling the chocolate out of my pocket, "what is that?" Wilbur asks, "muggle chocolate apparently" "where did you get it?" Alex asks "Uh a friend gave it to me, but did you guys want to try it? It's actually really good" Alex raises an eyebrow, "really?" "Yeah!" I say tearing open the rapper and breaking off a square for him. He studies it for a bit but then pops it into his mouth, "holy sh*t that's good" he says, "you guys want some?" I offer to Luke, Minx, Schlatt and wilbur, "uh sure" they say. I break them a square and watch them look at it before finally eating it, "woah that's actually not bad" wilbur says, "I agree" Luke says, "see!" They nod as I put the chocolate back in my pocket after having two squares myself. "Hey Clay we are hosting a party tomorrow wanna come?" Minx says, "yeah sure who's coming?" I ask "anyone who's interested on coming in our year, we'll have butter bear and a tonne of other cool sh*t" Wilbur adds, "sounds cool Im down" I say. After we all finished our plates we headed up to our dorm. I see george up ahead. "Hey guys I'll meet you up there" I say before running up to him. He has his back turned to me talking to some of his friends I presume,so I creep up on him and shout, "george!". I see his body take a screen shot and I start laughing. "What the hell Clay!" George scolds, "do you want to come to a party tomorrow?" I ask, "yeah sure but can my friends come?" He points to his group and I recognise Darryls friend Zak and Callahan along with the tall guy who I think is Sam, "yeah sure everyone in 4th year is invited" I say. George turns to his friends, "you guys wanna come?" They all nod and Zak says, "yeah sounds cool" "nice, see you guys soon" I say before walking away, "you should be careful George, you know what he is like" I stop, its Sam speaking, "he's actually nice when you get to know him Sam" "yeah just be careful" "whatever Sam" George sighs. I smile slightly and run to catch up with my friends.

poggers party chapter coming soon :0

maybe it'll get a bit heated :0000000

thank you guys for 50 reads again its insane tysm 

stay safe love y'all <3

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