chapter 4

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-georges pov- 

I angrily pick up my books that Clay guy dropped everywhere whilst my friend Zak helps me. "he walked into you in the first place too" Zak says, I sigh and put my books back in my bag, "lets go now or we will be late to astronomy with Professor Puffy" Zak nods and we run down the hall.


im not paying attention to Puffy which is very unlike me. I can't stop thinking about Clay ,come on George he doesn't even know your name. But still, his laugh was so contagious that I had to try not to laugh along with him and stay serious, I know I'm colorblind and I know his eyes were green, but even the yellow color wasn't  p*ss coloured, more like sunny color and they shone like the sun too. his hair looked to soft and fluffy ,stop George thats weird he is a Slytherin for flips sake theres no way he would anything towards you, I sigh and put my head in my hands , I feel Zak shake me. "whats up George? you love this class." "I know just distracted and a bit tired" Zak nods and carries on writing whatever we are doing. after a while Proffessor Puffy walks over and asks, "homework boys?" we both nods and Zak hands his over as I rummage in my bag for mine. sh*t. it mustve fallen out when I bumped into clay, or he took it, I sit back up and say "sorry professor I forgot it." she smiles "thats ok George but I'm afraid thats still a detention for no homework, if you find it just come a pop it on my desk," she walks back to the front. I sigh "I know I know" I can see Zak looking at me with confusion, "woah you must be tired you never forget homework!" I nod "it mustve fallen out when I bumped into clay," "or he took it" Zak mumbled, I turned back to the window when I heard some shouting, we all turned to the open door and heard, "I didn't was to be in this sh*tty lesson anyways!" and then a massive slam and the sound of footsteps along the hall. I hear Puffy sigh, "pay no attention class". Zak turns to me and whispers "Seems like Clay had another temper tantrum" He laughs, "yeah" I chuckle back, I don't know how someone could have the energy to be angry and sarcastic all of the time or maybe there was more to it? I sigh and finally try to concerntrate on my work.


*clay pov*

"Thanks Phil" I say before leaving his office, "no problem clay, I'm always here if you need to talk not do me a favour and don't get sent out again?" I roll my eyes and smile, "I will try" Phil nods just as I close the door, much more gently this time though. I walk down the halls that are empty as well as the classrooms, god it's so quiet now everyone has gone to the common rooms, I think as I walk to the astronomy tower. I reach the door as slowly opening it, phew no Puffy, i think as I creep over to the hatch and open it carefully and climb inside. I debate closing it but everyone will be going to dinner soon so there isn't a point. I reach the roof and sit in my usual spot and think about my talk with Phil,

,I just feel so weighed down by this secret,

,what secret?,

,I- I can't tell anyone they'll hate me,

,why is that?,

,I don't know they might find it weird then I'd be on my own all over again a-and I don't want that,

,they are your friends clay they would still be your friends no matter what if they were true friends,

,I know but I'm still so scared,

,fear is what makes us human, if you didn't have it then I would be worried, also if don't mind me asking, what is this secret?,

I remember hesitating as hot tears start to fall down my face like they are now,

,I-I'm gay I'm worried they won't accept me,

,oh clay, I've seen this sentative side to you I never though you had one

,*laughing* well here it is!,

,about the secret, I think that your friends would be perfectly fine clay I've seen how close you all are,

,what about other people?,

,I'm afraid the world isn't filled with only nice individuals so I can't make any promises about how others may think, but that's not to worry because there will be more supportive people that judging and mean ones,

, yeah I guess so,

,is there anything else?,

,uh no but talking to you really did help,

,I'm glad it did now you better go before you miss supper,

,Oh yeah thank you Phil,

I stare at the sunset, my own tears starting to soak my robe. I try to stop but even holding it in for too long is a struggle so I just pour out my feelings until I run out of tears.


*george pov*

"Found it!" I yell as I pull out my draw and find my astronomy assignment, "great! Where was it?" My friend Sam calls, "in my draw" Sam walks in followed by Callahan "your such an idiot george" Callahan laughs, I roll my eyes. "Right! I'm going to just put this on Professor Puffy's desk before supper, be back in a bit" " see ya" Sam waves. I run down the halls towards the astronomy tower and open the door. I run up the stairs and through the classroom and place the assignment in the tray labled 'homework'. As I turn around, I see a hatch door wide open to my right. I edge closer and pull out my wand just incase. Now next to the hatch I hear a muffled crying? I don't know what it is but before I know it, I'm climbing through it. The crying becomes less muffled as I see the golden glow of the sunset around the edge of this small tunnel. Cautiously I poke my head up and see a figure, head in their arms, I think, crying? As I scan the figure I see the slytherin house badge and some fluffy blonde hair. Is it clay? Why is he upset? Should I go to him? We only just spoke today and I didn't think he looked in the mood for talking with a pretty much stranger. I decide against the thought of leaving him and take a deep breath, crawling out I say, "hey um are you ok?" I hear the crying slow for a seconds as the boy lifts his head up, it is clay. "Go away this is my spot," he growls, "yours? How it's really the schools" he glares at me, "look if you here to a smart ass then please f*ck off" he puts his head back onto his knees. I'm stuck. I don't know how to comfort him. I stand up and walk forward and sit next to him, " you didn't answer my question, are you ok" he sits up again and looks at me with his bloodshot eyes, "no" he says quietly and looks back to the sunset, "it's beautiful isn't it?" I say sighing happily, "shame I can't see it to well" he looks back at me confused, atleast he stopped crying, "how do you mean?" I laugh and point to my eyes "I'm colourblind" he laughs a little too, I'm glad he's feeling better. We stare at the sunset a little longer in a comfortable silence befor he says, "I'm sorry I was such a d*ck to you" I smile at him, "it's fine" he puts his head in his hands,"I've just been so stressed and mad all the time and I can't help letting it out on people" "I could tell by your show this morning" he laughs, "you heard that?" "Clay the whole school heard it" he laughs again, I take this opportunity to ask him something, "um clay?" He looks at me, "yeah?" "Why were you crying?"


Left ya on a small cliff hanger >:) 

Don't worry I'm writing pretty quick today tbh :3

ALSO TY FOR TEN READSSSS i didnt think I would get that many after one day! TYSMMMM

Also remember to get stay hydrated and safe 

Love yalllll <<33

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