chapter 7

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*Trigger warning!!!! fainting and passing out. stay safe!*

*clays pov*

Finally the day is done. Unfortunately that was one of the longest 6 hours of my life. those six hours felt like six days. but thats all in the past. now, I need to head to detention which means that I get too see George. those six days would be worth it, I tell myself as I walk down the hall.

------smol time skip my dudes------

I reach mcgonagalls office and swing open the door. closing it behind me, I then head over to my designated seat and slump into it. "good afternoon clay" Mcgonagall says, eyes still on her parchment, "good afternoon professor" I chirp back. she looks up at me with an eyebrow raised, "any reason for the good mood? usually you hate detention" I grin at her, "no, just in a good mood!" she nods, "well we have another student joining us in a bit, then I can tell you what to do," I start swinging on my chair to pass time but after a few seconds, George comes in quite red, "sorry I'm late professor!" he pants, and looks over to me. I start to snigger at him. he was so red and flustered, it was so cute. "no worries, just take a seat and I will inform you of what you need to do" George walks over to the chair next to me. just before he sits, I pull it out from underneath him. he falls onto the floor as I start wheezing like a maniac. I look to his face and see him pouting at me, brow furrowed. I offer my hand out to him and he takes it and I pull him up. before he sits he says, "say sorry d*ckhead" "no way that was too funny" George then smiles and twists my hand back and mutters, "say sorry" "ow ow ow! sorry now get off" I shake my hand, he had a firm grip. George grins at me and sits down, crossing his arms, "are you two done bickering yet?" mcgonagall sighs taking off her glasses and pinches the bridge of her nose, "yes" I say fighting against laughing once more. "good, now usually I would set you work but Hagrid needs help in the forbidden forrest today so I'm going to send you down to him ok?" I grin "yes professor" me and George grab out bags and leave to find Hagrid. "sorry again" I say smiling at the smaller boy, he looks at me crossly, "hey the chair was practically telling me to do it!" I hold my hands up in surrender, "fineee I guess its ok" I ruffle his hair, "thanks" I start to see a pink blush spread across his face, I lean down to his ear, "your blushing" I whisper which then receives a hand swatting me away, "I am not" I chuckle, "you so are" I see George trying to suppress a smile, "we are so lucky we get to work with Hagrid" he stops smiling and looks up to me, "lucky? going to a forrest forbidden to students to enter, filled with dementors, werewolves and centaurs (that took some researching on how to spell lol) that will probably try and kill us?!" I laugh, "its not too bad, the centaurs are quite friendly," he stares at me with disbelief, "well I haven't been in there before so I don't know what to expect" I roll my eyes, "you can just admit your scared, I was when I first went in, I won't judge you" George sighs, "fine I am a bit scared" "well I shall be your knight in shining armour and protect you!" I smile, "thanks" he smiles back  as we reach hagrids hut.

*George pov*


The forrest is terrifying. its eerie, its cold, its dark. I gulp. I know Clay said he'd protect me but I still feel the cold up my back making me shiver and on edge. Hagrid said we had to find some berries that 2nd year need for their potions classes next week, he said the berries were somewhere in the edges of the forrest and we needed to find some and bring them back. the only light we had was the flickering of the lantern Clay was holding, and the dying sun light and the only warmth I had was my robe and it wasn't doing a great job. I could hear Clays breathing and see the clouds of breath coming from his mouth. I walk close to him feeling safe as we walk on through the forrest. we suddenly reach a clearing where its a little brighter as the trees aren't so dense. the whole forrest smelt like something died in it, to be honest something most definitely had. "lets split up for a bit and check around the edges of this clearing," I whimper, "hey it'll be fine, you'll be fine" I feel clays hands on my shoulders and look into his untroubled eyes, I nod and he smiles. we head to separate corners and look through some bushes. after looking for a few seconds I find some berries a brilliant shade of blue, thank god they are a colour I can actually see, I think while I start to pick some. after collecting a handful, I shove them into the little pouch Hagrid had given us, "found them!" I call over to Clay, "are you sure?" I roll my eyes and laugh, "yes I can actually see blue don't worry!" I can hear his laugh in the distance. as I start to walk towards him, the temperature suddenly drops which makes my fingers and toes freeze. the sudden increase in temperature makes me even more on edge as I remember what this means, dementors. "Clay!" I shout, "what?" he calls back, "where are you?" I hear foot steps and see Clay coming round behind a tree, "whats up?" I grab his hand and start walking, "we need to leave now, I have the berries so we can go," he stumbles over a branch but keeps following me, "George whats wrong," I can hear the concern in his voice, "dementors" I see his face pale in the lantern light, "how do you know?" "when I was getting the berries the temperature suddenly dropped thats how I know the are here," "I'm glad you pay attention" he laughs slightly. after a while longer of walking i decide to check behind us and check where we are, "right" I say pulling out the map, "we need to go down this path and turn right--" "GEORGE" I hear Clay yell. I snap my head up and see a dementor only a few meters away, Clay is motioning for me to run, so I do. we tear through the forrest, brambles catching on our legs, arms and faces  but fear drives us forward. suddenly I trip over a hidden branch and hit my head. the trees above spin as my ears ring. I then remember we were being chased, was Clay safe? did he leave me? where is the dementor? I groggily try to stand but my head feel heavy. soon I see the black cloaked dementor gliding towards me. I start to panic and try to yell for clay but I only let out a squeak in fear. the dementor looms over me as I feel it draining any motivation to move. black spots appear infront of me as slowly loose conscienceness. I start to drift when I hear someone yell. I don't know who it was or what they said. I close my eyes in surrender. 

*clays pov*

I hear a thump behind me but run on a little longer before turning around and not seeing George, oh sh*t oh sh*T OH SH*T, I repeat in my head as I run back to find George. I then find him lead on the ground dementor looming over him, "no NO NO" I scream, fumbling for my wand. now only a few yards a way do I yell the spell, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" a white light bursts from my wand and horse gallops towards the dementor as it recoils in pain and zooms off. I run to George and pull him up into my arms. I press my head to his chest listening for a heart beat or a rise and fall of his chest ,please please please can he be ok please, my mind is racing as the adrenaline still flows through my body. then I hear it. the soft beat of his heart and gentle rise and fall of his chest. "George you son of a b*tch" I smile as I fire red sparks into the air signalling to Hagrid for help still clutching Georges body with my free hand. 


anyways sorry for a slow update also I did this whilst eating a massive tomato incase yo wanted to know.

I don't know why but I can't stop laughing at this chapter lmao

will hopefully post a chapter soon swell :)

stay safe and love yallll <3

omg 1500 words pog

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