chapter 11

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*georges pov*

Alyssa was leading me down the hall still holding clays arm. I wondered where we were going. We turned right from the gryffindor common room and came to a wall. The wall formed into a door slowly, the bricks peeling apart to reveal the wooden door beneath. Alyssa opens the door and beckons me through. "Clay sit here" she points to a pile of pillows in the corner, "why?" He asks, "just please do it we will be back in a sec, " clay goes and sits on the pillows as Alyssa drags me back outside the room of requirement. "Ah! Geez loosen your grip!" I say as I feel her nails digging into my skin through the fabric. She closes the door and leans up against the wall, "so you heard all that at the party," she says, "uh yeah I was right next to him," she rolls her eyes, "well I could do a long explanation but do you like him back?" I stop, I mean I did but why should I tell her, "why should I tell you?" I decide to say, she sighs, "because lover boy in there has a crush on you and I don't want him to get his hopes up," I sigh in defeat, "yes I do I guess," she nods, "good so your ok with him being gay? It's something he's worried about for a while and I was the only person he told because he was scared of  what his friends and you would think," I come to a realisation. That's why clay was upset, that's why he was crying and that's why he said they wouldn't accept him. I feel sorry for him, going through that, all the anxiety, worry and being alone. I wanted to change that, "yes of course I am I just said I liked him back," she raises her eyebrow, "well you stay here with him until Saturday or until he feels ready, and I will go and try sort out the party," and with that she walks back down the hall. I start feeling nervous but walk back into the room. I expect to see clay still sat there, but he's actually lead down asleep. My cheeks warm, he was so cute. I walk over to him and lay down beside him, he stirs. "george?" He rasps, "shh go back to sleep" I hush. He looks up at me, "can I cuddle you?" My cheeks burn even more, "yes of course clay," he smiles a sleepy smile and wraps his arms around my chest, pulling me closer. I melt into his embrace and get comfortable. Before I close my eyes I hear clay whisper, "I love you georgie" I smile and whisper back, "I love you too clay" I drift off into a peaceful sleep in the arms of my love.

*clays pov*

My eyelids felt heavy. My head was throbbing in pain ,geez how much did I drink last night?. I slowly open my eyes. All my senses are slowly and groggily waking up as I notice something warm is in my arms. I slowly look down and see, george? I smile but realise that anything could've happened at the party. He seems to know I've woken up as I feel him start to stir. We are still in our clothes from last night. "Morning sleepy head" I say, ruffling his hair, "morning" he rubs his eyes and starts to sit up, "no no I'm comfy" I whine, I hear him laugh, "fine just let me turn around" he shuffles around. I stare into his eyes again, they are so beautiful. I notice a few freckles dotted around his face, "you have freckles" I point out, he giggles " I do!" I smile again but then become worried. How did we get here? What the heck happened? "Uh george?" I hear a muffled, "yes?" Come from my chest he is snuggled up against, "how are we here and what the hell happened last night?" He pulls away and sits up against the wall, "what's the last thing you remember?" I take a second to think, "umm I think just after spin the bottle" he smirks, "so you were sober for that," I nod, "were you?" He nods, " I don't like to drink at parties,".  We sit in silence for a second, "so what happened after that?" I see george fidget a bit like he was nervous to tell me something, "georgeee" I say, my morning voice making it deeper than intended. He sighs, "fine, I don't think you'll like it also as I'm telling you remember everyone except me, Darryl, Tommy and Toby were drunk"(I know they are the same age in this book but I still don't want to say they were drinking)  I start to get very worried. " ok so, after spin the bottle everyone was chatting again. I walk over to you and sit on the sofa, you ask if I wasn't enjoying the party, I said that I was just maybe we should play another game" I nod and take it all in, it sounds fine so far, "I suggest truth or dare" f*ck that seems like a perfect opportunity to mess up, "so we all gather round and do some dares, the best ones were Darryl swearing and Tommy being turned into a frog" I wheeze a bit, I could picture Tommy being so p*ssed and I wish I was sober to see it and remember it, "yeah they were great, anyways nick then dares you," the laughter had died and anxiety started bubbling in my chest, "he dares you to drink veritaserum, the truth serum" oh god, "I try to stop you but you already took a sip" I mentally faceplam, "what does he ask me?" I don't really want to know, "wellllllllll he asks if the kiss meant anything," I bite my cheek, "what did I say?" George looks at me, "you said yes" I swallow down my fear, "w-what did you think?" I force myself to say it, I need to know, "I thought the same," he grins, all fear evaporating and was replaced by butterflies, "really?" He nods, "oh my god" I tilt my head down and run a had through my hair. This was too good to be true, "I love you clay," he says, I look back up, "god I f*cking love you too," I chuckle, who knew a dare could go so well, "but I'm afraid that's not all he asked," I've never had so many flips of emotion in a space of two minutes, "what?" George shuffles up to me starts playing with my hair, still sitting up. "Well he asked if you 'liked liked' me and you said yes again" my stomach was flipping out. I felt like being sick, "anything else?" George slides down the wall and lays next to me, "he kinda asked about whether you were gay and you said yes, he kinda outed you" my face fell 1000000 miles, it felt like he exposed a secret he didn't even know, "now now he was as drunk as you were" I sigh, that still didn't make me feel any better, "and after that Alyssa shouted at everyone and pulled you and me out of the room and took us here, she spoke to me about your feelings and how you were worried about being accepted and I finally realised I loved you back," I start to feel tears forming, "when I came back in you fell asleep so I layed down beside you. You asked me to cuddle and I said yes," I smile as tears fall down my pink cheeks, "and before I fell asleep, you told me you loved me," between stammers I said, "did you say it back?" He giggles, "yes I did clay, and I really meant it,". I could stop the tears now. The flowed down my face as all the pent up anxiety and sadness came out. George pulled me into a hug and I cried into his sweater. He rubbed circles into my back and muttered, "it's ok, it's all ok now,". I finally stopped crying and pulled my head away, "I got you sweater all wet" I mumble, "it's ok, I don't care I just want you to feel ok," I smile up at him, " god you look like a puppy," george laughs, I frown "how?" "Your eyes were all lit up and you had a silly smile on your face," I grumble, he hugs me again, "noooo don't be sad, happy!" I chuckle and finally sit up, "holy sh*t" I say as my back clicks. I stand up and stretch hearing all my joints clicking from rough sleep, the pillows did something but not a lot. "You ready to go to breakfast?" George asks standing up too, "um I don't know" I don't think I was ready to face everyone after the party. "That's fine, I can grab some and come back here if you want," I nod, "thanks george it means a lot," "no problem clay" he walks towards the door but turns before opening it, "but clay" "yeah?" "What are we?" I look puzzled, "what do you mean?" "Like are we friends, best friends or boyfriends?" I take his hand, "what do you want to be george?" He looks me dead in the eyes, "I want to be your boyfriend," I grin, "then so be it" I pull him into a hug. I felt so complete, so happy for once in my life. "Right I got to go I'm hungry, ill be back soon," he has to pry himself off me, "clayyyyy get offf I never knew you were that clingy, don't make me dump you," I groan and slump back into the pillows, "fine, don't be too long though," he lets out a small laugh, "I won't see you in a bit" I wave as the door shuts, everything was perfect.


Idk why but whenever I write i always write two chapters then not write for ages lol

Anyways the story isn't over yet! Unfortunately I'm back to school soon so sorry if uploads become weekly and not every few days :(

Remember to stay safe and I love you all *kisses* 


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