chapter 12

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Tw: slight homophobia half way ish 

I love and accept all of you (except super straights lmao) stay safe <3

*clays pov*

I waited about ten minutes before george came back. He swung the door open carrying two apples, two slices of toast and a small jar of jam. He sits down next to me and hands me one apple and one slice of toast. "Thank youuuuuu" I say as I give him a small kiss on the cheek, "your welcomeeeeee" he responds as he opens the small jar, "oh shoot I forgot knives" I dip my finger in the jar and spoon some jam out and start spreading it on my toast, "just do this" he looks at me in utter shock, "that's one way to do it I guess" he does the same. I wrap my arm around his shoulder as we sit and eat. I felt so grateful for what he was doing for me. I really loved him. "Hey clay?" George asks, brushing the toast crumbs off of his sweater, "yeah" I say with my mouth full, "I spoke to everyone at breakfast," I nod, "and they feel really bad, nick especially" I bite my tongue mid chewing, "they really do accept you clay, they said that they love you no matter what," I nod again, tasting a slight hint of metal, george looks up at me, "please say something," I sigh, "I'm glad that they accept me, I'm just still a bit nervous," george scrunched up his nose, "I wish I never asked you to speak because now I'm covered in toast and jam," I laugh and nearly choke on my mouth full. I swallow and lay my head on his, "I think I'm ready" I mumble. He reached his hand up and ruffled my hair, "good but first let's get out of these clothes," I nod and pull him up, "you'll be fine clay, meet me in the library when your done" he says as we walk through the door. 

Me and George both part at his common room and I carry on to mine. I quietly open the door and go up to the boys dorm. I open the door and see everyone sat on their bed talking or playing explosive snap. The room goes quiet as I walk in. "Clay" nick says running to me and giving me a hug, "I'm so sorry man I f*cked up big time," I return the hug and quietly say, "it's fine, you were gonna find out soon," he pulls away slightly, "that's not the point, I feel so terrible for what I did man," I smile at him, "it's ok now really" he exhales heavily, "I feel like it isn't, but I want you to know I support you big time," "Same here" Alex says, "dude we all do" says Luke. I smile st them all, "thanks guys means a lot" I walk over to my bed and start to change into a different pair of black jeans and a forrest green hoodie. Wilbur walks over and sits next to me, "so clay uh are you and George...?" I chuckle, "yes, yes we are" he grins, "that's great man congrats" he pats me on the back, "one other thing," he says a glint in his eye, "who's the most attractive out of all of us? Other than george" I wheeze, "wowwwww well I guess...." wilbur raises his eyebrows, "me of course" I say before walking towards the door, "oh come onnn" he says. "Bye guys I will be back soon thanks for the support," "no problem clay," Alex says before I shut the door and walk to the library.

I walk down the hall amongst a bunch of students in third and our year. I bump into someone and just see their black hair, "watch it you f*cking gayboy geez can't even f*ckin' look straight" as he goes to walk off i stick out my foot and trip him up. Such a d*ck. I hear him thud onto the floor and weave through the crowd feeling pleased with myself.  

I reach the library and see george sat down reading a book. He's changed into a blue Tshirt and grey joggers. "Hey" I say sitting down, he looks up, " oh hey!" He closes the book, folding the corner to the page he was reading, "nerd" I chuckle, "when did you last read a book voluntarily clay?" He quips, "uhhhh about two years ago" "I can tell" george says. I place a hand on my heart, "that's just rude!" He laughs at my false offence, "anyways why did you want to meet here? To make me read?" He rolls his eyes, "no I wanted to discuss about telling our parents about us," I stop dead my smile fading. My father would never support me. My mother even less so. I grew up being taught that I would marry a woman and carry on the family. This was probably the opposite. "Oh uh I can't" george looked at me in the eyes, "aren't they supportive?" I chuckle sadly, "my parents are pure blood live in a huge manor what do you expect?" He looks at me sadly, "that might not be the case, they may support you, I'm a little worried about mine but my aunts a lesbian and the support her," I take his hand, "I'm sure they will be completely fine with it" "maybe you should take your own advice" george says. I sigh. "Can you please do it, for me?" I don't know what to do. I'd do anything for george. "Fine fineee" I lean back in the chair, "thank you clay" he pulls out two sheets of parchment and two quills and one ink pot, "wow a spare quill, you really are a nerd," he glares at me. I take the parchment and a quill. As george starts writing, my leg starts to bounce. I try to think how to word this. 

Dear mother and father

I'm am writing because I need to tell you something. I know I haven't written to you in a while but this is quite important to me and I feel like you should know about it. When I am older I shall not marry a lady like you have pressured me to do for years. I'm gay. I have been for a while now but I was too scared to tell you before. Please don't be angry. I also need to inform you that I have a boyfriend and I love him very much. Not matter what you say I will always feel this way and I can only hope you accept me for this. I hope you all are well

Love clay 

"Wow so formal" george says after he read my letter, I rub the back of my neck, "yeah they like formality". We fold up our letters and place them in envelopes and then walk to the owlery. I give my letter to my owl Spirit. She takes my letter in her beak and flies off into the distance. George's owl follows in pursuit. I stare out of the window at the owls as the fly through the air, if only I could fly away. "Clay?" I snap back to george, "welldone for sending that letter, I know it was difficult" he takes my hand and leads me out of the room. 

I'm now hanging out with nick and the other gryffindors. George said he had homework, I know I did too I just couldn't be bothered to do it, so I took this as an opportunity to hang out with nick as we hadn't  in a while and because he still felt bad. We were sat outside underneath a willow tree with a bunch of snacks. We were laughing as Tommy told us about his first encounter with a woman and Toby was filling in with all the embarrassing bits Tommy chose to leave out. "You slip off the wall you leant against!" Toby cried and we all burst out laughing as tommys face grew redder and redder. As we sat there eating and laughing I forgot about the letter and what my parents would think and probably say. It all melted away for those two hours and I felt happy.

Just a lil filler chapter ig 

Remember I love and accept all of you! I'm having a sexuality crisis rn lols

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will write some more soon! 


Stay safe and love yall <333

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