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"Peggy! Can you come and help with dinner?!" Darry called from the other side of my door. "Yeah I'll be out in a sec!" I call back, putting down the comic book onto my bed. I get off my bed and leave my room, walking to the kitchen with my thumbs in my jean pocket. Being the best cook in the family, I was usually the one to make dinner. Though we tried to rotate every so often. With whoever didn't do dinner being the ones who clean up after. But I get roped into cooking a lot. It's not like I minded. I didn't. So I would agreed to.
Walking into the kitchen, I throw on my apron. My lips pursing into a whistle while I began to work. I wanted to make something simple yet something the boys would like. I decided on spaghetti. We hadn't had it in a while. Plus if any of the gang decided to come over then we will have enough to go around. "Is Pony still out?" I asked Darry who was helping. He sees what I planned on making so he grabbed the canned tomato sauce. "Yeah." He nodded, opening the drawer to find the can opener. "Where did he go again?" I filled a large pot with water and brought it back to the stove to boil. Putting the lid over the pot and turning on the flames under it. "He went to see some movie." Darry grabs a sauce pan for the marinara. "Alone?" I froze and looked over at him. Darry stoped and looks at me. "Well...yeah." I could see a realization come over him at my words. I sigh softly. "Darry..." I take off my apron and tossed it onto the counter. "I'm going to find him." I rushed out of the kitchen, with Darry following me. His hand wrapped around my wrist quickly. Causing me to turn and face him, looking up. "Peggy the only thing worse then a greaser walking home alone is a greaser walking with a pretty greaser." His grip slowly loosened on my wrist. "Ya know he's got a point sis." Sodapop's voice reached us as he walked into the living room. "You stay here, we'll go get him." I sighed and reluctantly nodded. "Ok fine. Take a blade with ya." I said looking at the two of them. They both chuckled at me before walking to the door. The screen door opens and closes behind them.
I waited anxiously for my brothers to arrive back home. Being the second oldest, I had a lot on my shoulders. Me and Darry, though three years apart, were the parents of the four of us. We took care of Soda and Pony. I was 17, 18 in winter. Darry was 20, Soda 16 and Pony 15. And like them I was a greaser. But I'd don't believe in what Darry said. I wasn't pretty. With my brown hair like the rest of the boys and my hazel eyes. The only thing I liked about my face was the light sprinkling of freckles across my face. I had more of a chiseled face. I wasn't sure if it was my genes but I tended to be mistaken as a male. If it wasn't for my chest and hips, I'm pretty sure I could come across very easily as a male. At least in my eyes.
Eventually I had the noodles made, and the sauce was done too. I kept the noodles in a cover pot after draining the water to keep them hot for when the boys got home. "Peggy!" Soda's voice reached me from the living room. I quickly rushed from the kitchen to see Soda and Darry with Pony. Pony had a scratch on his neck. "Pony!" I rushed to him and stopped in front of him. "What happened?!" I cupped his cheeks, my eyes scanning over him to make sure he was ok. "It was the socs. I was walking home from the movies when they caught up to me." He explained. I sigh softly, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I grabbed Pony's hand and dragged him to the kitchen. He sits down on the counter and I grab a wet rag. I walks to him and used my finger to push his head up a little. I carefully dabbed at the cut. "You always know how to find trouble huh?" I mumbled. Pony chuckled a little causing me to smile. "Sweet! Spaghetti!" I turned to see Soda lifting the lid to the sauce and dipping in the spoon. Bringing it to his lips and tasting it. I turned back to Pony. "Hey Peggy? Guess who's out of the slammer?" Pony asked. I pulled away the rag and I looked at him confused. "Dallas." Soda walks over to us and nudged me. I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna kill both of ya." I growled as I walked to the sink to rinse off the blood from the rag. Darry chuckled. "Aren't you in looove with him?" Soda teased. "Soda shut your trap!" I snapped pointing at him. It was true. I was in love with Dallas Winston. No one knew but my brothers....and maybe the rest of the gang but Dally. "And he said that his girl two timed him when he was in the slammer." Pony walks to me. "Which means he's open for ya!" He pats my back. I groaned softly. "Oh come on Sis!" Soda walks over to me and puts his arm across my shoulders. "You just gotta tell him!" He was trying to be encouraging but it's not working. I crossed my arms. "Easier said then done Sodapop." I say leaning back on the counter. "Johnny him and me are goin to the drive in tomorrow night Peggy. You should come!" Pony smiled over at me. I sighed. "Yeah! Get out of the house for once! Other then school." Darry added. I glance at each of them once. "Fine." I say reluctantly "What are we makin Peggy do?" The voice was of mine and Soda's best friend Steve. He walked into the kitchen and I rushed to him. "They're making me go to the drive in" I whine to Steve. "Well who's goin?" He asked. "Dallyyyy!" Soda sang out. "I don't see the problem Peggy." Steve smirked. I rolled my eyes. "You're no help" I shoved him against the doorframe and he laughs before shoving me back. My hands gripped his jean vest and I shake him a little. He shoved his hands off of me before he quickly walks around me, wrapping his left arm around my neck and pulling me to the ground. I hands pull at his forearm, I quickly elbow his stomach and get up on top of him. My hands pinning him shoulders down. He smirked up at me and I get up. Extending my arm out to him, he grabs my forearm and I help him to his feet. My brothers were laughing behind us. Me and Steve seemed to get in small fights which always end with me on top of him. He never wins against me. He wraps his arm around me and hugs me, patting my back a few times before pulling away. "Listen to your brothers Pegg." Steve's nickname for my nickname. His hands goes to my shoulders. "Put on your leather jacket and have a good night with Dally." He smiled. Steve genuinely wanted me to go. I sigh. "I already said I would." I chuckled. "Ya stayin for dinner?" I asked. Steve pulls his hands away from me. "Nah, I should go and clean up." I noticed the blood from his nose and on his hands. Defending Pony I'm guessing. I nodded and slapped his back as he headed to the door.

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