Chapter 32: News

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Everyone had a wonderful time talking to Robin. The Summers had never expected Ben to tell them about anyone in his life. He wasn't the dating type and he was definitely not a person who would bring someone home. But one talk with Robin removed all that confusion. They could see why Ben liked her, though he never said it out loud. It was the way he looked happy when he talked about her. Fiona still remembered the day Ben came home after months and how his eyes gleamed. "Someone based a character off of me!" He had told them. He told his family that they just had to read the book because it would have them on the edge of their seats, which it did. Harry was extremely impressed about the accuracy in information while Candice loved the side romance plot between Cassie. Fiona had read the book thrice and every time that she did, she would find something new and that was what impressed her.

When they told Robin about these things, they moved her to tears. It meant everything to her and she was extremely grateful for every compliment that she received. When Fiona started to clear the table , she got up from her seat. The least Robin could do was help out. "Let me help you."

"It's fine, dear," said Fiona. "Ben. Candice." She eyed the table for them to start clearing.

"Please?" Robin pleaded. "You told me to think of this home as mine and that's exactly what I'm doing. It's the least I could do."

Fiona was defeated. Her words were used against her. Though she did not approve of guests helping out, something about Robin made everything seem familiar. "Alright. But you cannot clean your plate."

"That....would be a little hard for me."

Once the dining table was cleared, everyone assembled in the living room. "Oh, I must get the dessert!" Harry exclaimed.

While Ben and Harry were in the kitchen to get ice-cream for everyone, Robin's phone rang. "Uh oh."

"Trouble?" Candice asked.

Robin smirked. "Very much." She admitted. "I have to take this. Will that be okay?"

"No." She replied sarcastically. Candice and Robin became fast friends. They had a lot in common and loved the other one's attitude very much. Candice could finally see why her brother had been a little nervous about inviting Robin over. She really was special, and that was a definite yes to him.

"Hello?" Robin picked the call up and started pacing the room.

"Robin?" It was none other than David, the current head of the Budapest department. He sounded really worried and that was never a good sign.

"David, are you okay?" She stood up as she got ready to pace the room.

"W-we are missing."

Her eyes squinted as she registered what he was telling "What? Take a deep breath, D." She waited for him to follow her instructions. "Now. Tell me what happened."

"The trial balance isn't accounting."

"That's not possible." Robin had gone through the statements herself before leaving for Los Angeles and there was absolutely no mistake in them.

"We are missing something! I've been over this twice and now my head hurts. The balm isn't helping....only hurting my eyes. I didn't know what to do but to call you up even though you are on holiday. I'm extremely sorry about this but I would love your help. You are my genie. Aladdin is here with three wishes and all of them are for this to go-"

"D, calm down. That's not possible. I went through the documents myself. Is Sweta there?" If David was panicking, he wouldn't be able to think straight. But that's why she had a right hand woman that was her apprentice of sorts.

"Yeah. Why?" He was trying very hard to breathe. If they had lost any document, the company could go through an inspection and he was sure to lose his job. He only let Sweta into the back office and told her about the problem because he needed to vent to someone.

"Put her on line." Robin massaged her right temple. Her mind was going through the fast lane, thinking about where the documents could have been.

In that time, the men were back with two tubs of ice-cream for everyone along with a cake made by Candice.

"Miss Hale?" The receiver was none other than Sweta Lewis.

"Sweta? Hey!" Robin cheered up for a while. She was talking to her coworker after a long time. "What's going on? Why is David so worried?"

"The final documents are missing, Miss Hale." Sweta sounded calm, and that was exactly what Robin was betting on, because that was the only way that she could help them.

"Have you checked my cabin? The double-shelved one?"

"Yes, and that's why he is worried."

Robin was looking through the office in her mind. She had left the documents somewhere and it had to be there, unless someone took them. "What about the second shelf of the cabinet in the Conference Room? Someone could have kept it there after a long day. Have you checked there?"

Sweta told David to check the Conference Room and he went off hurrying there while she continued to go through the boxes of the previous year's accounts. "We've found it!" He shouted from the end of the room, cheering and punching the air as his life was once again saved by Robin. "We've found it!"

"Oh, thank the Saints." Robin held her forehead in relief and took her seat back on the couch. Ben's lips curled into a smile when he heard her. He had understood that reference once again for he was playing the villain for that series. "Find whoever kept it there and give them a nice tickling lesson from my side."

She was successful in making Sweta laugh and that was a done deal. "Will do. Your booking has been confirmed, right?"

Robin couldn't help but look at Ben at that. "Yeah, Lewis."

"Awesome! Thank you so much, Miss Hale!"

"Thank you, Miss Lewis." She cut the call and took deep breaths. Her heart definitely had stopped beating in the few minutes that she talked.

"All okay?" Ben asked as he took a seat next to her on the L-shaped couch.

She smiled, trying to hide her pain behind the lie that she was about to say. "All okay."

Harry opened the topic of how Ben and Robin met over dessert. He wanted to know her point of view of how she came to talk to his son. "I hope he didn't trouble you, dear."

"Not at all." Robin smiled. "In fact, I would have been completely lost if it wasn't for him."

Fiona and Candice exchanged a look. They could read the unspoken truth in the room as they caught Ben looking affectionately at Robin. They were super happy to see him happy. They wouldn't push on the subject because they trusted Ben to talk to them but from whatever their eyes were showing them, they could expect something.

Before Robin left, she thanked everyone for inviting her over. "I told Ben not to trouble you but-" She chose that moment because Ben was on a call from work.

"It was no trouble at all." Fiona hugged Robin as she would have Candice. "In fact, we should be thanking you."

Robin cocked her head to the side in confusion. "We have never seen Ben this happy before. Meeting you has changed him for the better. Thank you, Robin." Harry said. "For bringing our son back."

"Mr. Summers, I...."

"Ever since he got into acting, he has always been worried about things in life." Fiona explained. "Always looking out for himself and always so tense. Karen has helped him but he has always been doubting himself. I was so worried for him because he never let us in to help him."

"Meeting you has brought his old self back. I can see my brother back." Candice said. "Thank you."

Robin couldn't believe it. The Summers were telling her Ben's biggest truth - one that she wouldn't have imagined in a million years. "He has helped me as well. I'm glad that he is getting back to his own self. Thank you for making me a part of your family."

"We cannot wait to get to know you more, dear."

They knew that she was going to be an important part of their lives. Ben didn't have to tell them. Actions spoke louder than words.

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