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I've always wondered what it would be like if I found myself seated next to a celebrity, maybe even my favourite one. So, that was it! I had a story idea and an imaginary bulb that sparked in my head.

I knew what I wanted the story to be and I knew how it was going to go forward. I even had a cast ready. But, something happened and everything shattered. My favourite actor (the only person that I actually cared about in the film industry) passed away.

I wanted to leave everything. I couldn't function and I still am not able to. I'm not able to believe that he is no longer in this world and the void that he has left behind for me, a person who never even knew him, is agony. So, this story is a tribute to him.

Some of the scenes are inspired by one of his movies. I'm going to post a few pics from it. The movie doesn't have official screencaps. So I had to take photos while watching the movie (for the 50th time, I might add) The gifs and pictures used in this story belong to their original creators. Also, since there are two casts for my protagonists, please do not get confused. I'll either be using gifs of the Desi cast or the British cast in the respective chapters, wherever the gifs are applicable.

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